31. Unnamed

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I stare at the teeny, teeny tiny hand wrapped around my index finger

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I stare at the teeny, teeny tiny hand wrapped around my index finger. My thumb lightly brushes back and forth across the back of her hand.

She's so perfect. So, so perfect.

And she's still unnamed.

"I want to give her your middle name." I tell Ellie, staring down at our perfect, beautiful little girl.

"We don't even have her first name." Ellie cocks an amused eyebrow.

"I know. But I want her to have your middle name. Because you were so strong bringing her into this world and I want her to always have a piece of you with her."

"As if my DNA and genetics isn't enough." She clicks her nails together and waves me off. "It's not like she's half me, or anything."

"You know what I mean." I exhale a content sigh. "Emerson?"

"I vetoed that a week ago. I like Emmy better."

"Emmy Maraide Henderson."

"Or there was Ainsley." Before I can stop myself, I'm grinning in the middle of a depressing room with sick babies.

"That's the one. Your face lights up like that every time I say it."

"Do you like it?" I ask, glancing back at Ellie.

"I love it. Especially because you love it." She's smiling too. "Your mom said that it was her great grandma's name. And then this new student moved and she's in Isabelle's class and guess what her name is?"


"Yup. I brought it up to you, and I watched you fall in love with it, and I knew it was a sign from the universe."

I look back down at our baby. "Ainsley Maraide Henderson." The name rolls of my tongue with ease.

Ellie stands up and leans her temple against my arm. "I love it." She whispers.

Ainsley Maraide Henderson, I'm never gonna let anything happen you, you beautiful baby girl.

"You ready to hold her, Dad?"

Nerves instantly cover my happiness. I haven't gotten to hold her yet. And she's tiny and fragile and what if I break her?

"You're not gonna break her, baby."

"Huh?" Can she read my thoughts now?

"You've got that look on your face. The same one you had when you were freaking about dropping her when we found out she was a girl." Ellie sits back down with a wince. "Now take your shirt off."

I sigh and pull my sweatshirt over my head, dropping it on my lap as I sit back in the glider.

"Dad why don't you use your sweatshirt so she's wrapped up in your scent too. Baby's find parents' scent to be calming." Gianna gently pushes the IV to the side before my baby girl is in my hands for the first time.

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