35. Blindsided: by Sophia Winsley

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"We're going to try taking her feeding tube out and see if she'll take from you

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"We're going to try taking her feeding tube out and see if she'll take from you. It'll be easier for her to swallow without the G-tube." The nurse explains as she turns off the brakes on the open crib. "She'll be back soon."

I turn to Sophia the second they take her away. "Distract me. Or I'm gonna lose my mind waiting for her to come back."

Sophia softly chuckles and puts her phone away. "Has Evan watched any of the play-off games?"

"He's checked scores but he hasn't caught any of them. We've been so wrapped up in Ainsley. I feel like I haven't been on my phone at all except to text or call you guys." I sigh, reaching for my phone.

"So you haven't heard the news then?"

I sit up straighter. "What news?"

"Your dad broke his parole again."

I feel a weight lift off my chest. Knowing that my crazy, controlling father can't find me or my baby girl will help me sleep better at night.

I check my messages to see that Chris had texted me. And I'm almost positive Mom doesn't know yet.

I stand up from the hospital bed and stare out the window. "God, I just wish he'd stay in jail."

I begin to pace the room, waiting for Ainsley to come back. Or Evan. Hell, I'd even take Chris right now. I love Sophia, but I just need a brotherly hug or to be in arms of the man I love, or hold my sweet baby girl--that can keep herself warm, so I can hold her whenever I want as long as she doesn't get overwhelmed and upset.

Sophia steps in front of me and puts her hands on my shoulders. "Els. You want a distraction?"

"Please." I rub my palm across my forehead.

"I'm having sex with Shayne Sampson."

Well if that doesn't just fucking blindside me.

"And it's the best goddamn sex I've ever had."

"Wha- what?" I blink rapidly and stare at my best friend. "Shay- Shayne Sampson? And you? Are having... sex?"

"Yes. Dirty, rough, steamy sex."

"Wi- with Shayne Sampson?"

"With Shayne fucking Sampson."

"For how long?"

Sophia shrugs. "Few weeks now."

Suddenly it all makes sense.

Shayne Sampson ignores Evan for I don't know how long, and then all of a sudden we're getting invited to lunch and he wants to be best buddies.

He doesn't want to be best buddies though, does he? He just wants to make sure he's on our good side when Evan finds out he's screwing someone who is like family to us.

"A few weeks..." I echo. "And that's all it is? Sex?" She looks away, shoving her hands in her jean-shorts pockets. "How did you even... Like how the hell did you even meet?"

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