8. The Mother of All

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 "It feels weird being back here," Katherine says, looking around the arena

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"It feels weird being back here," Katherine says, looking around the arena

"I bet," I say, looking out at the ice as the guys warm up. "Jake looks happy, though." He's currently sitting on the bench talking to Coach.

"He does." Katherine nods in agreement. "We love Edmonton, but we miss you guys."

"Are you going to move back when he retires?"

She shrugs. "We haven't decided yet. As much as we'd love to move back, we've built a life in Canada. Everything is different there. I mean delivering a baby is free for the most part over there. Plus, the baby will technically be a Canadien citizen because I'm not moving before she's born and switching OBs mid-pregnancy."

"We get that. We just miss you." I lay my head on her shoulder. "Do you have any names picked out yet?"

"We've got a few in mind. But we're still not telling anyone until we decide, so don't even think about asking again." She points her finger at me accusingly.

"Fine." I huff, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Sorry, I'm late. Bathroom emergency." Evelyn says when she finally arrives and takes her seat.

"No kids?" Katherine asks with a frown.

"They're with Nana right now. I need some time with my girls." As she says this, Sophia comes walking down the steps.

"Hey, bitches." She sings as she steps past all of us to sit in the seat beside me.

"Always so kind," Katherine mumbles with a smile.

"Guess what I did, today."

"Had sex?" Evelyn blurts out.

"Well yes, but after that."

"And who are you having sex with?" I ask, arching a brow.

A blush creeps up her cheeks. "I will tell you when I am ready."

"So there is something to tell?"

She nods then tilts her head to the side. "Well, I think so. He's kind of shit at expressing his feelings, but we're getting there."

"Is it someone we know?"

"Maybe..." She avoids eye contact with all three of us and looks out on the ice. "Who are they playing again today?"

I click my tongue. "Don't change the subject."

"They're playing Tampa, right?"

"Unfortunately," Katherine mumbles, and I sigh.

"And Sampson is back after two years."

"Where was he again?" Sophia asks.

"I think Vancouver, but Tampa fought their asses off to get him back. They dropped down in the ranks when they traded him." I explain.

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