18. Baby, Baby, Baby, Ohhhh!

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I waste absolutely no time in stumbling through the front door like a drunk person

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I waste absolutely no time in stumbling through the front door like a drunk person.


Footsteps coming running down the steps before Bentley rounds the corner, his paws slipping on the hardwood. I squat down as he jumps into my arms and I stand up, holding him like the giant baby he truly is.

"Babe? Is that you?" Ellie calls out from upstairs.

"Yeah!" I scratch behind Bentley's ears until Ellie comes quickly walking down the steps and into the kitchen.

Her face lights up and I set Bentley on the floor. Her hair is less blonde than it was last week, and the bottom of her teeny tiny bump pokes out of the tank top she has on.

I take a step forward and cup her cheeks. "You look adorable." I mumble as I press a soft kiss to her lips.

Ellie pulls away with a cocked brow and glances down at her appearance. "I'm wearing a camisole I've owned since high school and a pair of sweatpants that used to belong to Evelyn. Not to mention my hair is thrown up into whatever this is." She points to the messy bun that sits atop her head. "Do you need glasses?"

"I meant your belly." I kiss her cheek. "But that doesn't mean the rest of you doesn't look adorable either--even if your cami is from 2014."

"2015, actually." She corrects with a soft giggle before pressing up on her toes and kissing me again. "Whether you need glasses or not is still up for debate, though." She smiles against my lips. "But hi, I missed you."

"Hey back." It's my turn to smile into the kiss. "I missed you, too."

I wrap my arms around Ellie's shoulders and tug her into my chest, resting my cheek against the top of her head. "What do you want to do tonight? I was thinking we could cook dinner together... I like it when we do that."

Ellie's laughter vibrates against my chest. "You mean me cook, while you sit on the counter and suggest sprinkling paprika on everything?"


"That sounds great, but I just ran a bath so I'm gonna do that first. My back as been killing me." She pulls away with a pained expression as she reaches back and rubs her lower back.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Just more pregnancy symptoms." Ellie turns around and grabs my hand, leading my up the stairs. When we get to the top she turns around abruptly. "Oh, and don't freak out if I feel dizzy. That's normal, apparently."

"Um, okay." I nod as Ellie turns around and continues to lead me into our bedroom, and then the bathroom where the smell of something fruity wafts through the air. Ah, the scented bath salts I put in her stocking this past Christmas.

"Oh, and another thing, my appetite is insane. I swear, I ate more than Chris at dinner the other night."

I chuckle as I slip my sneakers off, my socks disappearing next. "Damn, you hungry animal." I tease, tugging my sweatshirt over my head. My thumbs hook into the waistband of my basketball shorts and I shrug them off, along with my boxers.

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