30. Baby Girl

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Baby Girl is not okay

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Baby Girl is not okay.

Of course she's not okay. She's about to come into the world eight weeks before she was supposed to.

I'm at nine centimeters now. And they've started prepping me to push.

It's been a long ten hours, that's all I have to say.

The LDRP (Labor, Delivery, Recover, Postpartum-or something like that) room I'm in is bigger than I would've thought it to be.

By the time I'm at ten centimeters, I'm a fucking mess. Even more so than I already was, if even possible.

Evan goes to move from his spot behind me, but I protest. "Can he stay like this?"

Dr.Marrion looks up at me with sympathy. "Sweetie, you do whatever you need to do to feel comfortable right now. I know this isn't easy for you."

I nod and Evan wraps his arms around me again.

My gown has been removed, leaving nothing but a light sheet over me.

A nurse stands on either side of me to keep my legs propped up and spread. Nurses surround Dr.Marrion and even another doctor.

My mom stands at my head, pressing a damp washcloth to my forehead. "Make sure you breathe, baby girl. That's the most important thing." She tells me encouragingly, then she takes the spot of one of the nurses holding my leg in place.

"Alright, Ellie. This isn't going to be easy, honey. But you've got to give me everything you've got. This is Dr.Fischer, she's going to be your neonatologist in the NICU." She gestures to the brunette beside her.

I give her a weak smile. "We're going to take good care of your baby girl and make sure she gets everything she needs so you can take her home as soon as possible."

Evan strokes my arms gently and presses multiple kisses to the back of my head.

"You ready to start pushing?"

Evan's hands slide down my arms and he laces our fingers together, giving my hands an encouraging squeeze. "You've got this, Elle Belle." He whispers.

"Ready? One... Two... Three."

Everything hurts.

You see birth scenes in movies. You watch labor videos. All these things to prepare you for this moment.

But I'm not prepared at all.

It's hard. And I'm sweating and screaming and groaning and sobbing. And I can feel Evan crying too, but he continues hold my hair back from my forehead. He whispers words of encouragement the entire time. He lets me squeeze his hand until I feel like I'm crushing every bone beneath the rough, calloused skin.

"You're doing so amazing, baby." He says as I sob in his arms. "You gotta keep going."

Dr.Marrion scoots forward. "I see the head. I need one more big push, Ellie. I mean everything you can give me. Come on, baby girl."

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