15. Trades, England, and It's A...

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A few weeks later, I walk into the office of Ezra Christian with my wife trailing behind

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A few weeks later, I walk into the office of Ezra Christian with my wife trailing behind.

"Have a seat, Mr.Henderson." He nods at Ellie as we sit down. Then the grey haired man leans forward on his elbows, his Rolex sparkling in the light. "Tampa wants you."

Coach Jacobs leans against the windowsill behind the Mahogany desk, a frustrated expression on his face.

Ellie reaches out, taking my hand in hers and resting our interlaced fingers against her thigh.

"And I'm giving them what they want." My breath hitches and Coach scoffs. "Problem, Coach?"

"No, sir." He grits out with a tight jaw.

"How much?" I ask, taking everyone in the room, including myself, by surprise. "How much did they pay you?"

"That's none of your concern." He levels me with a stare. So I stare right back, barely even blinking.

My dad and I used to have staring contests all the time when I was growing up, I could do this all day.

"You need to be out there by the Tuesday after by week. Tonight was your last game with us."

"I don't understand you." I tell him, squeezing Ellie's hand. "All you care about is money, but you go about earning it the wrong way. You keep selling fan favorites, where will the fans be?" I shrug, appearing nonchalant. I stand, pulling Ellie up with me. "You better hope you get some damn good rookies come April." Then I march my ass out there, fuming.

"Evan..." Ellie says softly, tugging my hand back. "Evan, wait."

I stop in my tracks and look out at the ice. "He couldn't even tell me before tonight because he needed to win."

"What are we gonna do?" She asks, her voice soft. "I can't just quit my job. And, the baby. I can't find a new doctor mid pregnancy. And Evelyn just moved back and now we're moving away."

"We'll figure it out." I turn to find tears in her eyes. "But we're gonna miss our flight if we don't go."

The door behind us slams and I jump before Coach's voice echoes towards us. "Henderson, I'm sorry. I tried. I really did."

I turn and look at my now former Coach. "It's okay." I tell him softly. "There wasn't anything you could do."

He looks to the side with a clenched jaw. "He's pissed at me because I'm retiring this year. This is my punishment. First Jake, now you." He sighs and shoves his hands in his slack pockets. "Greyson's shoulder is unpredictable. And Chris is done once the season is over. So yeah, you're right, he better hope he gets some damn good rookies, because he's losing all of his star players."

We exchange a few other words before Ellie and I bid him goodbye and head to the airport.

"I'm worried." Ellie admits when we're finally on the plane.

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