9. "I Wiped My Sweat on It" -Evan Henderson

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Three weeks later, I fidget with my wedding ring as I sit in the blue Gynecoligal examination chair

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Three weeks later, I fidget with my wedding ring as I sit in the blue Gynecoligal examination chair.

A knock comes through the door and I slightly jump. It slowly pushes open before Evan pokes his head in. "Hey." He whispers.

"Hi." I say quietly and he looks down at my hands. "Dr.Marrion came in a few minutes ago but said she'd come back when you got here."

"Sorry I'm late. Coach was in a mood today." He scoots one of the chairs up beside me. "Have you done anything at all?"

"She just asked me some questions about symptoms." I lay my head back and continue to fidget with my ring. "Is it normal to be this nervous? Of course it is. Everyone is nervous for their first baby. Especially given our circumstances. And then you throw in the fact that the last time we were here looking at an ultrasound we-"

"Hey." Evan clasps his hand over mine. "It's okay, baby." I didn't realize I was crying until he wipes the tears from my cheeks. "It's all gonna be okay. No matter what happens. I'll be right here every step of the way to hold your hand."

I nod, and lave my fingers through his just as another knock comes through the door. Dr.Marrion steps inside and smiles. "Alright, how are we doing today, Dad?"

"Fine." He squeaks and I squeeze his hand.

"We're going to start with an internal ultrasound and then we'll go ahead with abdomen." She slips on a pair of gloves and grabs the wand and puts a... condom on it? I still don't know what goes over the damn thing but it looks like a condom. I watch anxiously as Dr.Marrion flips the white sheet covering my lower half up and scoots between my legs.

"Did you just put a condom on that thing?" Evan asks and I purse my lips together.

"Would you believe me if I said all of the dads ask that?"

"Yes." I say and she smiles.

"It's much like a condom. Latex even. But no, it's not a condom." She explains as she adjusts her glasses. "Alright, Mama, you ready?"

I breathe out a sigh and look up at the ceiling. "Not entirely."

"You got this." She says encouragingly as she sticks the goddamn wand inside of my vagina.

To think I always dreaded my yearly pap-smears—those are nothing to these.

I squeeze Evan's hand as the wand moves around uncomfortably.

"Okay, everything looks good from here. Baby is in the uterus." I breathe a sigh of relief. "Based on your charts and what I'm seeing here, baby is at eight weeks—which is too soon to hear a heartbeat, so that'll hopefully be next appointment. Your due date is looking to be about July twenty-fifth."

I squeeze my eyes shut as she pulls the wand out of me and disposes of the non-condom condom and her gloves. She grabs two more gloves and slides them onto her hands before grabbing a bottle. "You can take your legs down, and go ahead and pull your shirt up for me."

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