24. Broken Bro Code

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"Does like every person want to touch your stomach?" The fiery red-haired girl beside me asks

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"Does like every person want to touch your stomach?" The fiery red-haired girl beside me asks.

I chuckle. "Not everyone. But I've definitely had random strangers come up in a store and just do it without asking."

Gellaine scoffs. "That is so rude." A thick southern accent accentuates her words. "I'd throw hands."

"It's uncomfortable, but I think I'm getting used to it." I shrug and take a sip of my iced tea.

"So, Caleb said you still live in Miami?" I nod. "That must be so hard. I couldn't imagine being away from Caleb like that. Road series are hard enough."

"It sucks, but we're adapting. And it's only until after the baby comes." I explain.

"And what is it that you do for a living?"

"I'm a teacher."

"Oh, what grade?" She asks.


"Aw, that's sweet. I love little kids. I'm still in school, though. Getting my masters, online."

"Ah." I nod.

Out of the corner of my eye, a figure appears across the table and sits down. I turn my head to see a fairly familiar brunette with warm brown eyes. "Hey, man." He appears out of breath.

"You good, Quinn?" Caleb asks, glancing over at his sweaty teammate.

"Yeah. I ran here."

"So that's why you smell like the men's high school locker room?"

"I was in the middle of my run when Shayne called. I didn't have time to finish running and then shower, so I decided to make you suffer." He glances across the table at Gillaine and I. "Well, now I'm regretting it because I thought it was just the guys." He nods at my husband. "Hey, Evan."

"Hey." Evan says quietly. I reach over and squeeze his hand, which then leads to him intertwining our fingers and resting them on his thigh.

"I'm Quinn." The brunette holds his hand out across the table.

I take it. "Ellie."

"Nice to meet you."

"You too." I smile politely and withdraw my hand.

"Sampson said that you're one of Lynch's little sisters?"

"That would be." I smile at the mention of my brother.

"You broke bro code, huh?" Quinn teases Evan, and I feel his shoulders grow less tense.

"I wasn't dumb enough to knock her up like Rhodes was."

Quinn laughs. "Oh shit."

"She looks pretty damn knocked up to me." An unfamiliar voices catches our attention. Sampson sits down beside Quinn and scoots the chair forward. "I assume you know who I am?" He says, but not in a cocky way.

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