22. Lovetown

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Fifteen minutes later, Evan and I walk into Lucy's and sit down at the milkshake bar

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Fifteen minutes later, Evan and I walk into Lucy's and sit down at the milkshake bar.

"Hit me." I slap my palm against the counter and Camilla pops up from being squatted down.

She places a hand over her chest. "Sweet baby Jesus. You know better than to scare me like that, hun." Camilla's gaze falls to Evan and her face lights up. "Now, what in God's green earth are you doin' here? Shouldn't you be playin' hockey?" She circles the counter and wraps her arms around his shoulders.

"Coach found out El is pregnant and still living here. He let me miss the game and a few practices to see her."

"Well damn, I guess I can't be mad at him for takin' you away from us, now can I?" Her brow lifts and she smiles. "It's good to have you back sweetheart." She returns to her spot behind the counter and leans forward on her elbows. "Now, what can I get ya? It's on the house tonight."

"No, Camilla." I begin to protest but she holds up her hand.

"Nope. I don't wanna hear nothin' about it. Whatever you want tonight is on us."

I lean forward on my elbows and stare up at the milkshake menu. "Hmm, just plain chocolate sounds good right now." I vert my gaze to my husband--who is actually sitting beside me, in person. I'm not dreaming. *Squeal!* "What do you think?"

Evan smiles at Camilla. "One large milkshake with extra whipped cream and two straws please."

My stomach slightly grumbles. "Ooh, and fries!" I call out as Camilla walks into the kitchen.

Evan turns his large body so he's facing me and rests his arm on the counter. "So, how was work?"

"Good. Though, my students all think I'm getting fat."

He chuckles. "Kids can say the meanest things, yet it's still super sweet."

"The other day, Lydia told me that I needed to start going to the gym with her dad. And when I told her I go to the gym, her eyes widened, and she informed me that my gym must be really bad because I'm getting fatter."

He snorts. "God, I love your students."

"They're sweethearts." I smile. "How's Bentley?"

"I think he misses you." His lips turn downward into a slight frown. "Every time you call he picks his head up and follows the sound of your voice."

I frown too. "Poor baby." I find myself sighing. "He got to where he followed me all over the house. I couldn't even pee in privacy. Every time I'd come home, I'd find him laying by the door."

"Yeah, he's been laying by the door in the hotel too. We cuddle every night, though." A smile forms on both of our lips.

"Now why doesn't that surprise me?" My brow raises and Evan flashes me that sexy grin of his.

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