1. Tired

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I mindlessly stare out at the ice as Chris skates past, battling for the puck

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I mindlessly stare out at the ice as Chris skates past, battling for the puck.

I love my sister Evelyn, and my adorable niece and nephew, but I can't focus on them right now. Every time I look at them I see what Evan and I don't have.

"Okay, what's wrong? I've been talking to you for five minutes and you haven't responded once." Evelyn's voice drifts my way.

"What? Nothing's wrong." I glance over at her.

"That's bull. Els, what's wrong?" Evelyn readjusts Aspen on her lap.

I lean forward on my elbows, watching Evan in the goal. He's as out of it as I am today. He's let one too many goals slip past, and I reckon Coach isn't happy about it.

I sigh, running my fingers through the ends of my hair. "We just had a disappointing morning, that's all."

"Another negative test?" Evelyn asks and all I can do is nod. "Ellie..." I look back out at the ice as Evan squirts water from his water bottle into his mouth. Evelyn reaches out and squeezes my hand. "It'll happen."

"Will it though? And what happens when it does? Will it be another ectopic? Will there be complications?" My voice cracks as I look at my older sister-whose four-year-old is snuggling against her chest. "What if it isn't meant to happen for us?"

"It will, Ellie."

"It's easy for you to say. Your kid was a damn accident." I say before clamping my jaw shut. I glance at the clock on the Jumbotron to see the second period is merely halfway finished. I reach down, grabbing my purse from under my seat. "I'm going home."

"No, Ellie, don't. It's fine. I'm not mad." Evelyn grabs my hand and I stop in my place. "Stay."

"I can't..." Tears well in my eyes. "I just can't do this right now. I don't have the energy."

"Where you goin' Auntie El?" Asher looks up at me from his seat.

I squat down in front of him. "I'll see you soon, Bub." I kiss his cheek and ruffle his curly brown hair.

"Why you leaving?" I hear him ask as I walk up the steps. "No, Auntie El, come back."

A tear slips from my eye and I quickly wipe it off my cheek. "You alright, Mrs.Henderson." The usher asks as I step onto the landing. He pulls the black curtain back.

"I'm fine," I mumble, brushing past him.

"Have a good evening." I hurry out of the arena and bolt to my car.

After cranking the air conditioning and pulling myself together, I drive to the nearest Mcdonald's and buy myself a damn Big Mac.

After shoving my face with unhealthy food, I settle onto the couch with a fuzzy blanket, a nearly empty tub of Rocky Road, and Bridgerton.

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