25. Baby Sister's X-Ray

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I blow my nose for the sixth time in the past ten minutes before tossing the Kleenex into the trashcan

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I blow my nose for the sixth time in the past ten minutes before tossing the Kleenex into the trashcan.

"Mrs.Henderson, are you sick?" Jack, one of my students asks.

I smile and shake my head. "Nope. I just have allergies."

"Oh... What are you allergic to?"

"Just... Stuff in the air." I stand up and chuckle. "Why don't you go find your seat?"

"Can we go to recess yet?" One of the boys asks.

The kids stare out the windows impatiently as all the other kindergartners play on the playgrounds.

"I have a secret to share with you first."

This peaks their interests.

"But you have to promise you won't tell, can you do that?" The kids collectively promise.

I turn around and grab the pen for the Promethean board and hit the screen so the GoogleSlide changes and my recent sonogram picture appears. "If anyone can guess what this is, they get an extra star on their chart."

"Oh! Oh! Mrs.Henderson, it's for babies!" Opal answers, standing up from her spot on the floor. "My Mommy has a baby in her belly, and we have one of these on the fridge!"

I smile. "Do you have a baby in your belly?" Miles asks next.

"I do."

Collective squeals fill the classroom. A figure leaning in the doorway catches my attention, but I don't turn my head to look because I'm stampeded with hugs.

"My baby sister, her x-ray is in a frame!"

I chuckle at the sonogram being called an x-ray.

"Hey, hey, easy now." Evan's voice echoes towards us. "She's clumsy right now, and you're all strong enough to tackle her."

A few of the boys run towards my husband. "Mr.Henderson!" Evan kneels as they tackle him with a hug.

"Are you having a baby sister?" Blakely asks, peering up at me with her big blue eyes.

"I am having a girl. But she's not my sister."

Confusion fills her expression. "Why not?"

"You know how you have a sister and you have a Mommy?" She nods, so I continue. "Well, I'm going to be a mommy."

"But you get a girl."

"I do. She's my daughter." She seems to grasp the concept well enough to not ask anymore questions.

"Can we go to recess now?"

"Yes, you may go to recess."

They all file out the door one by one, and Evan and I trail behind. "I got their reactions on video."

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