28. Wacky Brain

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"Are you sure you have to leave?"

"You know I don't want to." I sigh, running my fingers through Ellie's hair.

"I know..." She sits up abruptly. "Let's talk about our birth plan."

"What exactly does one plan? You're having a natural birth, what else is there to do?" I ask and she chuckles.

"Breathing classes are recommended. Sailor sent me info about the classes her and Chris took."

"I thought that was just a thing they did in early 2000s movies," I say and Ellie laughs.

"No, honey." She shakes her head with an amused smile. "They've got a class on Mondays and Wednesdays. Which one?"

"Hm, Mondays, I guess."

"Cool." Ellie pulls out her phone and starts signing us up for the class.

"What exactly do we do?"

"They teaching you breathing exercises and prepare you for labor." She says absentmindedly.


"Isn't it just hee-hee hoo-hoo?"

Ellie snorts at this. "No, babe. That is just a early 2000s movie thing."

"Got it." I click my tongue.

Ellie stands up from the couch and I frown. She sees my expression and giggles. "Relax, baby. I'm just gettin' some ice cream."

"Get me some?"


She comes back in with the whole tub of Ben and Jerry's and two spoons.

We barely pay attention to the movie playing as we discuss baby plans and Tampa plans while we share ice cream.

And when she falls asleep in my lap, I gently push her off, put the ice cream away and then pick her up fireman style.

"What're doin'?" She mumbles, slightly incoherently.

"Taking you to bed." I press my lips to her temple for a brief moment.

"Oh..." She whispers. "Are you leaving?"

"Not yet. I still got a few more hours."


"Anything you want to tell us."

My teammates corner me the second I walk through the doors.

"Mm, nope." I play dumb.

"So that overtime win was an accident. You didn't let the puck slip past on purpose because you wanted fucking Rhodes to win?"

I halt and turn. "Look, I don't know what the hell your problem is with Rhodes. He hasn't done shit to you. I said I've got nothing to tell you."

"Gettin' offaly defensive there, Henderson." Sampson's tone is irritating.

Caleb stands behind him with a sympathetic expression. Quinn avoids my gaze.

"And even if I did, what does it matter? There's nothing you could do about it. We lost, get over it. There will be other play-off games next season." I shake my head. "Screw you guys. I thought we were friends." I look directly at Caleb. "Apparently I was wrong because you're just standing there and letting him talk to me like this."

Now I look back at Sampson. "And I guess I was right about you." I turn to walk away, throwing a "See you in there" over my shoulder.

"Hey Henderson. When did you get back from Miami?" Mateo Kingston asks as I walk into the Physical Training room.

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