7. Babies and Vaginas

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Ellie rocks baby Ryder in her arms as I stare at her in awe from across the kitchen

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Ellie rocks baby Ryder in her arms as I stare at her in awe from across the kitchen.

"Like earlier, he needed a diaper change, and she told Mom to have me do it." Chris grips the roots of his hair. "I don't know what the fuck to do." His voice strains. "She barely even lets me touch her, guys."

"What did her OB say?" I ask, keeping my eyes on Ellie.

"Gave us a recommended therapist, but Sailor refuses to go. I called the office and scheduled an appointment anyways. The soonest they could see her was next week."

"It's gonna be okay."

"I fear she may actually kick my ass when I drag her in there. I love my wife, but she's scary." Chris shrugs. "It turns me on, though."

"Isn't her brother's anniversary coming up?"

"In January," Chris says.

"Plus the holidays. Maybe it's just a mix of all these emotions?" Greyson suggests.

"Evan, are you even paying attention?" Jake asks and I blink.

"What? Yeah. Sailor is depressed. She's gonna kick your ass when you drag her to therapy. And she's got a lot of emotions mixed together." I say and the guys nod in approval.

"I still can't believe you're here, man." Chris shakes Jake's shoulders. "We've missed you, Jakey boy."

"I miss you guys too." He smiles. "A shit ton."

Katherine comes walking out of the bathroom, rubbing her pregnant belly. "What're we talking about?"

"How much we missed you guys." Greyson provides.

"Hey, what's going on with Sailor?" She asks, stealing a pretzel stick from the board in the middle of the island.

I rest my elbows on the countertops and lean forward.

"If I'd just had a baby, I'd be breathing down everyone's necks when they held it." Her brows are drawn together in confusion.

"We're pretty sure she has postpartum depression." Chris sighs. "But she won't accept it."

"Has she seen a therapist?"

"She's got an appointment scheduled for next week that she isn't aware of yet. I talked to her doctor though. She flipped out on me and made me sleep in the guest bedroom."

Katherine's eyes widen. "Oh my gosh. I'm sorry, Chris." She cradles her belly and I can't help but imagine Ellie doing that in a few months.

"How's retired life treating ya?" I change the subject.

"Great. The podcast is doing great, which I'm sure you already know. They keep asking me to be a broadcaster or a commentator. I haven't decided yet."

"Dude you should totally do it," I tell him and Chris nods.

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