11. Baby's First (in the Womb) Christmas

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"Uncle Evan, come look at what Santa brought me!" Aspen and Asher drag Evan into the living room as I walk into the kitchen to find Evelyn and Greyson facing away from me as they whisper softly

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"Uncle Evan, come look at what Santa brought me!" Aspen and Asher drag Evan into the living room as I walk into the kitchen to find Evelyn and Greyson facing away from me as they whisper softly.

I scrunch up my nose. "God, could you not do anything like that for one day?"

Greyson's head snaps towards me and Evelyn yelps, before placing her hand on her chest. "Jesus, Ellie. You scared the living shit out of me."

"Maybe you shouldn't be doing dirty things when you have company coming over. And on Christmas too? I am ashamed of you two." But, I'm also a hypocrite because I had amazing morning sex with my husband after we exchanged presents.

"We weren't even doing anything!" Evelyn says, adjusting the apron she was wearing.

"Yet." Greyson snorts and Evelyn smacks the back of his hand.

"With your children in the other room?" I ask, gesturing to the doorway.

Greyson laughs. "Oh, please, they don't give two fucks about us right now. Aspen got her first full set of hockey gear and she refuses to take it off. Asher got that car set he wanted. And Uncle Evan is here. We're nothing to them right now."

"He's not wrong, El." Evelyn says, rolling dough out on her countertop. "So, what's going on with you? I haven't talked to you in a couple of days and since we moved back I've decided we are to see each other at least once a week because living in Colorado without you was terrible."

"Well..." I take a seat on the barstool as Greyson pulls ingredients out of the fridge. "We went to the ER last night."

Greyson drops the gallon of milk and Evelyn's hand stops kneading the dough. "Why? What happened? Is the baby okay?" Panic fills Evelyn's voice.

"Yeah." I sigh. "The baby is fine."

"Are you okay?"

I shrug. "Apparently I have anxiety that was brought on because of stress about the baby." I admit.

"Oh, Els."

"The baby is healthy, like super healthy apparently. We got to hear the heartbeat earlier than most."

Evelyn grins. "That's amazing, Ellie."

I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. "Yeah... But I can't stop thinking about all the things that could go wrong. And I feel like a hypocrite because I told Evan that it's fine and he doesn't need to think that way, but I here I am thinking the same things."

"It's okay to be scared." Greyson says, cleaning up the spilled milk on the floor. "I mean, look at what you guys have been through. It's not easy, but you just have to trust that everything will be okay. Success rates with fertility shots are strong, just listen to your doctor and trust her."

My eyebrow raises. "When did you get so... Mature?"

Greyson softly chuckles, stepping around the kitchen counter to sit beside me. "Two kids with two more on the way will do that to ya." She nudges my elbow with his. "Wanna know a secret?"

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