29. Scared

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I absolutely did not expect those words to come out of Coach Ray's mouth

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I absolutely did not expect those words to come out of Coach Ray's mouth.

My ears had started ringing, and my head began to felt light, and my eyes shut. Coach kept talking to me but he sounded so distant, and then everything went dark.

I was woken up by water being splashed in my face and cold washcloth being pressed against my forehead while my teammates huddled around me in worry.

Driving the five hours instead of waiting for a flight was the smarter option to get to Miami sooner.

But flying was the safer option because there was no way my Coach was letting me get behind the wheel in the state I'm in.

So here I sit, in my coach's private jet with a never ending flow of tears streaming down my cheeks and knees that won't quit bouncing.

I'd grabbed my phone from my cubby as soon as I was okay to walk after my fainting, to find missed calls from my family. Too many missed calls.

I called Ellie back first.

I broke down at the first words that came out of her mouth.

"I'm so scared."

And she sounded it too. God she sounded so scared. And all I want is to be there and hold her and tell her that everything is going to be okay.

But I don't know if everything is going to be okay. Because I don't know it's going to be okay. And I don't think I can lie to her this time around. Because, god, if we lose Baby Girl? That's going to wreck us.

I chew on my nail nervously as I wait for someone to call me back, anyone. I just need an update. Hell at this point, I'll settle for a vague text.

I just need to know that my girls are okay.

My phone vibrates in my hand and I nearly drop it in my haste to flip it over.

My disappoint clouds over when I see it's just an email.

I sigh and send another text to Greyson, Why is no one answering me?

It takes another ten minutes before I get a response.

Rhodes: nothings changed. her water hasn't even broke yet. how far away are you?

I glance up at the screen that's track the flight, then text back with, forty-two fucking minutes

Rhodes: fuck. she's gonna call you when Dr leaves

I sigh in relief and wait for the call to come.

Five minutes feel like fifty as I wait for the vibrations to buzz through my hand. And my phone is pressed to my ear in seconds when it does.

"Hey." I breathe out heavily.

"Hey..." She sounds distant.

"How... How is she? How are you? Fuck, Els, what's going on? Nobody will tell me anything." I drag a hand down my face.

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