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2 years later

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2 years later...

I wipe the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. Whoever decided it would be a good idea to move in the middle of summer, is getting smacked upside the head.

"Oh, come on!" Yelling comes from the living room.

I peek around the corner where all of the guys have stood up from their spots on the couch. "Don't worry guys, I got everything."

"Yeah, uh-huh, thanks." Evan mindlessly says, clutching the back of his head as he watches the television.

"Ala, pay bahgame!" Ainsley yells and I chuckle.

Ainsley recently learned how to talk to Alexa, and after attending several baseball games, she wants to listen to Take Me Out to the Ball Game non-stop.

"Dada! Pay bahgame!"

Evan reaches down and picks Ainsley up, his gaze still focused on the baseball game on the TV. I start to walk into the kitchen as Evan yells at the game. "Ah, shit, come on!"

"Ah, Shit!" Ainsley yells and I turn around on my heel.

Chris is snickering in the corner of the room and Shayne is flat out laughing. "No, baby girl. You can't say that word." Evan scolds.

"No!" Ainsley screams, pushing at his chest.

I take the pig-tailed toddler out of his arms. "That's a no-no word, Ainsley." My voice is stern.

"No!" Her face turns red as she begins to cry. I sigh and turn on my heel to exit the room. It's nap time and there's been a lot going on today, so she's tired.

"Come on, baby girl. Don't do this today." I whisper, moving Ainsley into a cradled position.

I sink into the armchair in the corner of Ainsley's room with a grunt. Ainsley sits up and slides down to my lap. Placing her hands on my belly she pushes her bottom lip out into a pout. "Dat Bubba?"

"That is your bubba." I smile and push the fallen strands of hair away from her face.

"What the hell was that!" Evan yells from downstairs.

Ainsley presses her ear against the top of my belly for a moment before sitting back up. "I wan pay 'side." She points to the window.

"No, we're not playing outside right now."


"No," I say sternly.

She begins to cry again. "Dada!"

I hear the front door open and then close as Evan appears in Ainsley's room. He takes her from me and begins to coddle her. "What's the matter, baby girl?"

"I wan pay 'side!"

"Okay," Evan whispers, stroking the top of her head. "How 'bout we go watch some Olaf?" He reaches down into her crib and grabs her blankie. "Hmm? What do you think about that?"

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