26. Tri-3

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May rolls around like tumbleweed: fast but slow at times

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May rolls around like tumbleweed: fast but slow at times.

The play-offs are in full swing, and we're kicking ass.

Me: Jesus baby, Baby Girl is getting close to being here.
Me: Call me after your yoga sesh
Me: Is it sweaty, sexy yoga???

I wait for forty-five minutes before I get a response back.

Elle Belle❤️❤️❤️: not a fan of Tri-3 so far...

I frown as I stare down at my phone. I type out, Why?, and hit the blue arrow.

Ellie responds almost immediately:

Elle Belle❤️❤️❤️: my back hurts worse than ever. Baby Girl decides she likes the kick most at night, therefore I can't sleep AT ALL. and I'm currently laying in bed with a heating pad on my legs because of this stupid Sciatica. also, my skin is SUPER dry and suddenly my moisturizer that I've used since HIGH SCHOOL causes my skin to break out

I chew on my bottom lip as the three bubbles dance on my screen.

Elle Belle❤️❤️❤️: I am just SO uncomfortable. other than that, I love pregnancy

I softly chuckle.

Me: Baby Girl is the size of a head of lettuce... 🥬
Elle Belle❤️❤️❤️: no sympathy for your poor, miserable wife?
Me: Just remember that we wanted this baby. pain and all...
Elle Belle❤️❤️❤️: you're not the one in pain, so seriously, SHUT UP!!!

Just as I finish reading her message, my phone starts vibrating in my hand.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you over text. I didn't mean it. I'm just really emotional right now and I miss you and I just want my back to stop hurting."

I smile at the sound of my wife's flustered voice. "I wasn't mad at you."

"I know... I just felt like I owed you an apology."

I can't stop the chuckle that breaks through my lips. "You didn't." I lie back on the hotel bed. Caleb is knocked out in the bed beside me, snoring like fucking Fluffy from Harry Potter.

"I just really miss you."

"I know." I sigh, getting comfortable under the covers. "I miss you too. Good news is, Baby Girl is almost here which means you'll get to move."


"What's wrong? Do you not want to move now? We're closing on the house when I get back."

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