19. 'Cause I'm the Daddy and I Said So

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LOML❤️❤️❤️: Look, baby girl is the size of a XL banana this week (I didn't know there were multiple banana sizes???)

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LOML❤️❤️❤️: Look, baby girl is the size of a XL banana this week (I didn't know there were multiple banana sizes???)

LOML❤️❤️❤️: We did it baby, we made it past the 20 week mark. I'm soooo proud of you

LOML❤️❤️❤️: How are you feeling?

LOML❤️❤️❤️: just realized you only have a month and a half left in your second trimester... scary

LOML❤️❤️❤️: send pics BTW 😏

Five messages wait for me when I check my phone during my lunch break.

I smile and pull up my Photos, selecting the one I took this morning, typing out, I'm starting to look pregnant and not like I ate a big meal finally!, and hitting send.

"You better not be sexting." The sound of my brother's voice makes me jump in my seat.

"Jesus." I place my hand on my chest. "What are you doing here?"

"Figured I'd take ya out to lunch." He nods his head towards the door. "Come on, I only have an hour."

"Are you paying?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow.

"We'll decide at the end." He says, but we both know he never lets me pay.

I sigh dramatically. "I dunno. Why would I want to go eat a meal with a man who is gonna make me split the check?"

Chris smiles. "I don't have all day here, sissy girl. You want Chick-fil-A, or not?"

I shoot to stand and grab my purse. "You should've said that first, dammit."

I brush past my brother, leading him out one of the side doors. "How's my little niece?" Chris pokes my side and I jolt to the side.

"She's good." I smile.

Ever since I hit week twenty-one, I've been over the moon. Knowing I won't miscarriage is a major stress relief--even if the fears of something happening to the baby are still there.

Now that I'm truly beginning to show, the reality that we're having a baby is starting to hit, but I'm not scared--at least not yet. This is what Evan and I have wanted, and it's finally happening.

"You coming to Ev's this weekend?"

"Of course." I respond, hiking my bag higher up on my shoulder. "Evan is coming too. He's got a game Friday night, so he's flying out early Saturday morning."

"Sweet." Chris flips his key ring around his finger a few times. "The team misses him."

"He misses you guys. Tampa hasn't been very... welcoming."

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