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"Hey there, baby girl." I say softly as I unfasten Ainsley from her car seat.

Ainsley flashes me that sweet toothless smile I've gotten used to seeing this past week.

Ever since since Ainsley learned how to smile-and learned that she likes our reaction to it-she does it all the time.

Baby Girl turns sixteen weeks old tomorrow, which means she'll be eight weeks in her adjusted time. But the doctor says that she's actually a little bit ahead of her adjusted time, which is a really good development sign.

We've officially moved to Tampa, but we're back in Miami for the weekend because Dr.Fischer wanted to do a checkup on Ainsley.

Asher's first football game of the season is today, which couldn't have worked out more perfectly with us being in town.

Hockey doesn't start for another month. And I'm both excited and sad about. I'm excited to be back on the ice in front of all the fans. I'm not too thrilled about being away from my girls again.

My favorite thing about Ellie being a teacher is that her off-season is basically the same as mine. If we make it through the post-season, then that's one less month, but I'll take one month of no work over no months.

We've decided that Ellie is going to take this year off of work. With me being on road series, and Ainsley being behind babies her age, we don't want to send her to day-care. And I can't just expect my parents to watch her almost every single day. That would be unfair to them--even if they did move to Tampa so they wouldn't miss anything, and could be close to us.

Sophia is still in Tampa--and screwing Shayne--so Ellie won't be alone while I'm gone. Plus, her and Gillaine seem to be hitting it off.

She's already applied for a job at one of the elementary schools for next year, because she says no matter how hard it will be to leave Ainsley, she loves teaching and doesn't want to give it up. Which I fully understand.

"These conversations we have are nice, huh?" I ask as I place Ainsley in the bassinet stroller with the canopy pulled up. The good news is, it's still morning, so it's not eighty-six degrees outside yet, and the sun isn't completely out.

Ainsley opens her hands before fisting them again, and brings her fist to her mouth. She coos as I begin to push the stroller, hitting the Lock button on the key fob.

Ellie is already here, because Asher begged her to ride with them on the way over. And who could say no to that sweet face?

I walk over to the second mini field and spot my family in the stands.

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