5. This Whole Family Thing

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The next evening, I find myself locked in another bathroom with my wife

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The next evening, I find myself locked in another bathroom with my wife. Only this time it's a much smaller bathroom and my cock is shoved inside of her instead of my tongue.

I swallow Ellie's moan with a kiss to keep her quiet as I pound into her. Her warm hands slip up my t-shirt, nails digging into my skin.

And damn, I fuck her like my life depends on it.

Her usual moans are replaced with gasps as she reaches the point of ecstasy. I drop my head to her bare shoulder as my body tenses against hers. My grip on her ass hardens as I come inside of her.

Ellie leans back against the mirror with her eyes shut as she catches her breath. I stand to my full height and pull out of her with a quiet groan. I cock sags as I press a kiss to Ellie's cheek.

After cleaning up and readjusting our clothes, I go to flip the lock but Ellie grabs my wrist. I turn to see her face as turned pale and she's gulping. "What is it?"

"I'm gonna be sick." She clutches her stomach as a look of panic sets in her eyes.

"Did you not take medicine?"

"No. I forgot." She says, turning and dropping to her knees.

Her motion sickness is worse when we fly because we can't just pull off to the side of the road and wait for the nausea to pass.

"Baby..." I whisper, squatting down behind Ellie as she hurls. My palm rubs circles across her upper back as I hold her hair back from her face. "It's okay."

After a few minutes, she sits up and leans back into me as tears stream down her cheeks. "God, why does puking hurt so bad?"

I shrug. "I don't know."

A knock comes through the door. "Everything okay in there?"

I hit the lock and pull the door open partway. "Can we get some Sprite?" The flight attendant nods.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. My wife gets airsick." I explain.

"Okay. Let me see what I have." I tell her our seats before she disappears.

I hook my arms under Ellie's and lift her up as I stand. "Come on, baby."

She wipes the tears off her cheeks and leads us out of the bathroom and back to our seats.

The flight attendant appears with a can of Sprite, a two-pack of Biscoff cookies, and a pack of Dramamine. "Here. There's a bag in the seat if you need it." She whispers. "Let me know if I can get you anything else, 'kay?"

I take the items from her hand. "Thank you."

I turn to Ellie and hand her the medicine while opening the soda can. "I'm about to be knocked out." She mumbles before knocking the pills back.

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