17. Tampa

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Instead of arriving at home, and being lazy like Evan and I had originally intended to spend the weekend doing, we spent yesterday afternoon looking at possible houses in Tampa

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Instead of arriving at home, and being lazy like Evan and I had originally intended to spend the weekend doing, we spent yesterday afternoon looking at possible houses in Tampa.

"I can't believe you're actually moving here." Sophia says, looking over the rim of her mug.

"Me neither." I admit, crossing my arms as we stand in her temporary kitchenette.

Evan had to go to the arena to meet his new team, and Coaches, and grab his new uniform.

"Is Evan nervous?"

I nod. "He's freaking out. Not about the new team. Mainly about me." I admit.

"And how are you?"

I run my palms down my jean-clad thighs. "Honestly? My mind is all over the place. We have so many things going on right now, moving did not need to be added to the list." I sigh and lift one shoulder in a shrug. "But, it is what it is. We'll adapt. It's just going to be hard for awhile."

Evan and I had decided that--for the time being--I'd stay in Miami. We both agreed that I should finish out the school year, so my beloved students aren't stuck with some random sub--and so that the school has time to find my replacement.

We've also talked to Dr.Marrion and she opted for me to remain under her care until after the baby is born, because she knows my history well and there's trust between us. Once I move, she'll refer me to her suggested choice of OB's and keep in touch--or so she says. I won't hold her to it, though.

Evan and I will both fly back and forth until I no longer can, and he'll just come here. He'll be on FaceTime for every doctor appointment he can't attend. And he'll probably be on FaceTime every night as we fall asleep.

It's going to be hard, but it's what's best.

Right now, I need my family, and I can't be with them if they're all down in Miami.

"I hate this for you. God, Ezra is such a dick."

My best friend Sophia hates Ezra Christian.

Her dad and him were BFFs all throughout their childhood, they moved out here together to become successful businessmen.

It was a dream come true for the former boys until Sophia's dad caught Ezra in bed with Sophia's mom--who is now married to Ezra.

I cough. "Step-daddy issues."

Sophia shoves my shoulder with a laugh. "Don't be a bitch. He keeps trying to fuck me. It's disgusting."

"Does your mom know?"

"Either she pretends she doesn't, or she's straight up oblivious." Sophia shrugs. "Mama Kelly isn't always the sharpest pencil in the box." Then my best friend sighs. "You know what I always say, if he cheated with her, he'll have no problems cheating on her."

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