27. Baby Names in the Running

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"Fuck no."

"Ooh, Eliana."

"That's kinda cute."

"Not cute enough to make your face light up," I say to Evan. "Let's just pick a letter and come up with any name that starts with it."

"Okay. What letter?"

"Um.. A?"

Evan's palms work the lotion into my skin gently. "Okay, um, Anna."

My nose scrunches. "Too old."


"Too figure skating bitch." Evan laughs at my reference to Jake's ex-girlfriend.

"How about Ava?"

"These are all too common. What do you think of Aria?"

Evan grunts in disapproval. "Makes me think of Pretty Little Liars."

"Fair point. Autumn?"

His palms freeze on my bare belly. "And have my kid be made fun of for being a season?" I snort. "Arianna?"

"Veto. Alani?"

"Did you get that from the energy drink?"

"Possibly. What about Ainsley?"

His hands stop rubbing in the lotion and he looks up at me with wonder-filled eyes. "Shit, I kinda like that."

"Yeah?" I ask, feeling myself smile.

"Ainsley Henderson." He stares off into the distance. "Yeah, yeah, that's in the running for sure."

"Okay..." I chuckle, holding my the lace material to my breasts. "What else?"

"I dunno. We could keep E's going, have the whole family match. Emmy is kinda cute."

"Ooh, that is cute. We'll add it to the list."

After Evan deems he's finished rubbing lotion on my belly--which took way longer than it should've--I throw on acceptable clothes, and get ready to head out for a walk.

I throw back my prenatal vitamins and toss some ice and cold water into my light blue Stanley cup. "You ready? I told Ev we left already," Evan says when he steps into the kitchen.

"Of course you did. So when we show up late,"--I make sure to put up air quotes with the word--"it's you who's getting blamed, got it?"

My husband just smiles and smacks a kiss to my cheek.

We start our fifteen-minute trek to my sister's house in silence.

It doesn't take long before Evan starts throwing out baby names again. "Blake?"

"We're having a girl. Say it with me now, girl." I say it slowly, like I'm teaching my students.

"It can be unisex. So can Parker, Rowan, Teagan, Payton, Andy, Alex, Tatum, Hayden, Cam-"

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