The Beginning

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Dakota's POV                       [Edited]

I followed behind Wanda as we entered the Avengers meeting with my head down in shame.

I could sense everyone's judging stares as I sat down and Wanda put her hand on top of mine making me look up at her. She smiled reassuringly and I felt a bit of confidence until I caught Director Ross' angry gaze and that small bit of confidence vanished.

"I'm pretty sure we all know why we're here." He started. "Two days ago, Dakota, Hawkeye, and Cap  were sent on a mission in Chicago that ended up with 898 casualties and 300 others were injured or are in critical condition." I squeezed Wanda's hand. "According to the members on that mission, Dakota disobeyed a direct order and it isn't the first time it has happened. The Government took a vote and from here on out Dakota is no longer apart of the Avengers and will be sent to the raft for six months."

"What?!" Wanda stood up. "You can't take her there!"

"She's right. The Government isn't in control of the Avengers-" Clint started but Ross cut him off.

"I understand." He said. "But it's either that or the US will take care of her themselves. There are places worse than the Raft. The kind of places people don't come back from alive."

Tears pricked my eyes as Wanda and the others continued arguing with the others about my punishment and I squeezed my fists, teleporting out of the meeting room.

Opening my eyes, I realized I was in the garden outside the building.

I sighed and sat myself down, tears running down my cheeks.

I can't do this anymore

I've lost too much

I furiously wiped my cheeks but more tears kept falling and I let out a scream causing the rose bush in front of me to explode into flames.

I backed away just as the wind started picking up and there was a small spark in front of me and it wasn't from the fire.

I got up and walked closer just as the spark turned into a small star in thin air and I curiously put my hand through before letting out a scream as I was sucked in.

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now