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Dakota's POV

Tears rolled down my cheeks as Wanda wrapped her arms around me and I let out a tearful laugh. "You're here! Wanda you're here!"

She laughed. "I am. I-I'm right here Koda." Her arms tightened around me and I let her embrace me. All of a sudden though, I felt the air being sucked out of my lungs and I gasped.

"W-Wanda I can't...I-I can't breathe..."

"It's okay." Wanda said her voice deepening slightly. "You're going to be okay Dakota."

I flailed around in her grip and tried getting out of her arms. "Wanda! Wanda let go!"


I suddenly teleported out of her grip and appeared a few feet away from her. "Dakota.." her figure started dissolving and a tall creature replaced her.

"What did you do to my sister!?"

I gasped and stepped back, tripping over a rock. "W-Who are you? Get away from me!"

The creature smiled and took a step forward. "I'm not going to hurt you Dakota."

I got up slowly and faced the creature, trembling with fear. "You...you're Vecna."

The creature smiled at me and took another step forward. "I've been wanting to meet you for a long time." His hand reached out toward me. "You're in my way Dakota. Get out of my way."

I took another step backward and looked around before taking off in a run.

"Dakota you can't hide from me!"

I suddenly tripped over my feet as another voice entered my head. "Dakota! Dakota it's Wanda, I need you to let me in! Let me in!"

A scream ripped out of my throat as a vine on the ground latched onto my ankle and started dragging me back toward Vecna. "Wanda! Wanda help!"

Suddenly another version of Wanda appeared in front of me and I yelled out in fear, but to my relief it was the real Wanda.

There was a flash of bright light before I was back with everyone else in the Upside Down and I collapsed on the ground.

"Dakota! Oh my god Dakota are you okay?"

"W-What did you see? Was it Vecna?"

"Koda, Koda talk to me." Steve appeared at my side and I latched onto him, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I-I'm fine, I'm okay-" I turned to look at him. "Oh god, Steve you're... honey your bleeding! You're losing blood-"

"I'm fine, I'm perfectly-"

"No! You're not fine!" I yelled. "Just..." I ran a hand through my hair and pushed his hand away from his wound.

"I-I need something to press against it! Some sort of cloth or something..." I looked toward the others and Nancy started tearing a pice of her clothing.

"Here, let me do it." She said, and before I could protest she pushed me out of the way and attended to his injury. I backed off and Robin appeared at my side as we watched Nancy handle Steve.

She was so close to him that if she even moved her face in a certain direction, she would be leaning her cheek against his chest. I tried ignoring that fact and focused on Steve instead but the way he was looking down at her as she tended to his injury made me sick.

Someone suddenly grabbed my hand and I looked over to see Wanda at my side. She squeezed it and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm missed you so much Dakota..." she whispered and I wrapped my arms around, tightening them.

"I missed you too Wanda. I missed you so, so much."

She pulled away and stroked my cheek, a small smile on her face. "You look a bit different. A good different..."

I smiled softly. "Let's figure out a way to get out of here."

"Yeah, I agree with what she said." Eddie spoke up. "God, this place is awful." He shook his head and went to take a step forward.

"Stop!" Wanda yelled and he froze. "Don't step on the vines. They're some kind of... hive mind or something."


"All the vines are like... connected." She told him. "Step on a vine, you step on a bat, you step on that creature that got Dakota."

"Vecna." Robin informed her. "We call him Vecna and uh it's nice to finally meet you. Dakota's told us a lot about you, like really everything, I feel like I know everything about you." She paused. "Wow that sounds a little creepy, I mean, I don't know everything but Dakota's said a few...stuff."

A small smile appeared on Wanda's lips. "All good things I hope."

"Yeah! Yeah, it's nothing bad, promise." Robin said.

I shook my head. "Okay, we got to go now before those bats come back. We need to get weapons or something to defend ourselves with-"

"Ooh! Let's go down to the police department! I mean, they have guns a-and grenades we could use!" Robin exclaimed.

"Uh I highly doubt that the Hawkins PD has grenades, Robin." Steve said, standing up now that Nancy was done bandaging him up. "But guns, yeah, sure."

"We don't have to go all the way downtown for guns." Nancy spoke up. "I have guns...in my bedroom."

Eddie scoffed. "You? You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?" He asked. "I mean I expect that from Red over there-" he pointed at me. "But you?"

"Full of surprises, isn't she?" I said dryly. "What kind?"

"A Russian Makarov and a revolver."

"Yeah, she almost shot me with that one." Steve murmured.

"You almost deserved it." Nancy teased, a coy smile on her face and Steve grinned down at her.

My chest tightened and I took a step towards Steve. "Steve um-" the ground beneath us suddenly started shaking and I let out a yelp as I fell to the ground.

"Oh my god!"

Bats started shrieking and moments later the ground stopped trembling and we all took a moment to regain our breaths and stand up.

"We should get going." Wanda said breathlessly and I nodded.

"Yeah." I looked over to Steve who was letting go of Nancy, the person he had grabbed when the "earthquake" was happening and felt a pang of jealousy when she thanked him and walked off while he stared after her with a look on his face I recognized.

It was the same way he looked at her when they had recently broken up.

After a few seconds he shook his head and looked up, towards me. I quickly averted my gaze though and walked toward Robin, Eddie, and Wanda.

"Let's go."

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now