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Dakota's POV

"Let me get this straight-" Dustin grabbed some grocery bags from the trunk. "You've been having visions about your sister for a whole month and didn't bother to tell us?!"

"I didn't think it was anything serious!" I exclaimed. "And I did tell Steve and Robin."

"Yeah, but you didn't bother telling us about the one you had yesterday, did you?" Steve asked and I sighed.

"I just...I-I don't know what's going on, okay? Besides, I'm sure it's not a big deal-"

"Dakota wake up!" Max threw her hands in the air. "We have some sort of powered being murdering teenagers. You had a vision about your sister dying  and then appearing in some place that looked like the Upside Down."

"We don't know if it was the Upside Down." I said closing the trunk as she grabbed the last grocery bag. "I've never seen it."

"Yes, but you described it just like Will had." Dustin pointed out as we made our way to Eddie's hideout and I sighed thinking back to what I had seen yesterday.

It was when I blacked out back at work but I decided to dismiss it and not worry the others because what I saw... it was a lot.

Wanda brutally murdered innocent people and then chased after Dr. Strange, Christine, and a young teenage girl. She got ahold of the girl and brought her back to some sort of alter where she went to extract her powers before Strange came back, in some sort of demon form and managed to defeat her.

It was all a little confusing but in the end Wanda decided to sacrifice her life so no one would be under the influence of some Dark Hold and she let the alter crumble down on her.

There was bright red flash and BAM!

She wakes up in a place that looks exactly like Hawkins but it's snowing and the sky is grey/blue with crackles of red every now and then.

When I suggested the witch idea last night, I was forced to tell everyone about the visions and they were pretty pissed I kept that from them.

Especially Max and Dustin who hadn't had a clue about them at all

"Dakota!" Robin snapped. "Are you even listing to what we're saying."

"...no." I said meekly and the two teens in front of me rolled their eyes and opened the door to Eddie's small hideout.

"Jesus!" He cried when we burst in and Dustin gestured to the bags we had.

"Delivery service!"

Eddie shook his head at us and snatched a bag from Dustin's hands, immediately digging into a bag of chips.

"So we got, uh, some good news and some bad news." Dustin started as Eddie sat in the little boat we found him in last night. "How do you prefer it?"

Eddie took a sip of his drink. "Bad news first. Always."

Dustin sighed. "All right, bad news. We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you."

"Also, they're convinced you killed Chrissy." I added and Dustin whirled around.

"We agreed not to tell him that!"

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