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Dakota's POV

I took a deep breath and followed after Max, Lucas, Erica, and Wanda as they got off the RV and headed toward the Creel house.

For some reason, knowing that Vecna was in the same place as us, but just on the other side made things a whole lot creepier.

"Dakota, wait!" Steve called from inside the RV and I sighed, turning around.


"Stay safe..." He said softly. I pursed my lips and nodded.

"You too, Steve." We held eye contact for a moment before I broke it and caught up to Wanda who was waiting outside the house for me. Max and Lucas were already inside.

We all sat around a window that gave us a clear view to the park across the street where Erica would give Max and me the signal to distract Vecna, but for now, we were all waiting in silence.

Max and Lucas began talking with the little notepads they had while I began forming a plan in my head. Steve, Robin, and Nancy were in the Upside Down. They would be the ones killing Vecna while Max and I were bait. He would choose one of us, and I was hoping I would be the one.

Suddenly, a flash of light came through the window, startling us and Lucas and Max peered out. Lucas sighed and sent a signal back to Erica with his flashlight before looking at me and Max, giving us a nod.

It was time.


The plan was to have Max in the attic with Lucas, and if Vecna got ahold of her, Lucas was in charge of playing her favorite song on her Walkman to get her back when it was time.
As for me, I didn't have a favorite song from the 80's so Wanda accompanied me. She would reach into my mind and pull me out of Vecna's trance if it came to it. But for right now, all we had to do was wait until the blue lamp in front of me lit up, signaling Vecna had chosen me.

It suddenly flickered violently before stopping and I sighed. "What are you waiting for asshole? I'm right here!"

Nothing happened.

"You know, I keep thinking about what you said..." I sat down on the ground, crossing my legs. "How I wanted my brother to die instead of me, and to be honest, I thought you were just trying to upset me, to anger me, but you weren't. You were just telling the truth."

Wanda's eyes widened and I looked down at the ground. "I didn't want to die, so I let Pietro rescue the boy instead. We both know I could've easily teleported myself and the boy to safety but I knew the risk, so I let Pietro do it. And then I was responsible for the deaths of so many people on my last mission...I said it was an accident but it wasn't. I just wanted people to feel like me, I wanted them to be terrified, I wanted them to know what it felt like to lose their loved ones so I let myself loose." I started messing with my shoe laces. "And then I came here, and I convinced myself that everything I did was an accident. But you were right, I'm no hero. I'm a murder. So I'm asking you, no, I'm begging you to please, please just make it all go away, and take me."

"I can't believe you..." Wanda suddenly spoke up. "You...you let Pietro die on purpose? And all those people...you killed them just because...oh my god! I can't believe you Dakota!"

"Why are you talking?" I hissed.

"Have you ever tried killing me too?" She asked and I stood up.

"Of course not! Wanda what are you-"

"You're crazy Dakota. I should've let Ross take you to the Raft, it's where you belong, you crazy bitch!"


Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now