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(So this is the Stranger Things fit, I haven't been able to find some WandaVision ones yet :( )

Dakota's POV

After being questioned by some military officers Steve and I were finally able to go back home.

The ride home was quick and before we knew it we were getting ready for bed. Steve was in the bathroom doing who knows what while I sat on his bed waiting for him to come out.


I stood up. "Steve? Steve are you okay?" I asked worriedly and the door to the bathroom opened a bit granting me permission to go in.

I walked in and saw Steve trying to patch himself up with the first aid kit on the sink. "I don't know why you didn't let the paramedics clean you up." I muttered taking the alcohol wipe out of his hands.

"I just wanted to leave." He sighed.

I looked up at him and tilted his head to the left to clean up some dried blood. He hissed slightly jerking his head away from me but I grabbed onto his chin and held him in place.

"Stop moving." I whispered softly and he tried his best not too. After I finished cleaning him up I threw away the dirty wipe and inspected his bruised eye. "The swelling should go down in a few days, just add some ice okay?"

He nodded and looked down at me, staring into my eyes. I felt my breathing hitch when he moved some hair away from my face and full on stopped when he leaned in slightly.

"Dakota?" He whispered.


"Can I kiss you?"

"Please do." I murmured and his lips softly brushed against mine before he fully pressed them together and I wrapped my arms around his neck as our lips moved in sync.

His hand went to my waist as we shared a sweet kiss before we pulled apart and he leaned his forehead on mine.

I opened my eyes slowly to see his still closed before fluttering open and I smiled. He grinned back before leaning forward again and we shared another sweet and passionate kiss.



"Hehe...glad I don't have to follow this guy!" Geraldine watched one of the talent show contestants from behind the curtain and Wanda looked over with a look of panic on her face.


"Dot listen to her." Dakota sent a small glare at Geraldine. "You're going to do great!"

"Yeah, what Dakota said." Geraldine laughed nervously.

Wanda went back to pacing. "What time is it now?"

Dakota sighed and looked at her watch. "Two minutes after the last time you asked."

"Oooo." Wanda started panicking. "I don't know where he could be!" She exclaimed talking about how Vision hadn't shown up for the show yet.

Just then, Vision rounded the corner walking up the stairs funnily and Dakota tilted her head. "Ooh, is that him?" Geraldine asked.

Wanda gasped at the sight. "Well, it looks like he's got a little hitch in his gitty-up." Geraldine chuckled.

"Whoa!" Vision exclaimed almost falling backwards and Dakota rushed to help him.

"Thank you." He slurred giving her a smile before looking over at Wanda.

"Wanda, my little cabbage you look smashing!" He said.

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now