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Dakota's POV

Robin and I were both very uncomfortable in the outfits Nancy had picked out for us but unlike Robin, I kept quiet about my discomforts.

"Ugh! I can't breathe in this thing!" Robin exclaimed almost tripping in her low heels. "And I'm itchy, itchy all over!"

"It's not all about comfort. Okay?" Nancy told her. "It's academics."

"Who are apparently coming straight from Easter brunch." I muttered and Robin nodded.

"I agree with Dakota. We look ridiculous! And, this bra you gave me, is really pinching my boobs!" She tried adjusting it and I slapped her hand away from her chest.

"People are looking!" I hissed.

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"Okay!" Nancy interrupted us. "Could you two just let me do the talking?"

I snorted. "I don't think that'll be possible."

"Hey!" Robin glared at me. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I went to answer but immediately shut up when Nancy gave me a look. We entered the building and the receptionist led us to the directors office where he greeted us and looked at the papers we had brought along.

"3.9 GPA's..." He read. "All three of you? Impressive."

"And this is a recommendation from Professor Brantley." Nancy handed him another piece of paper and he smiled.

"Yeah, I know Larry. Quite well, actually." He said and my smile fell.


"Eh you know what they say." He looked at us. "Those who can't do, teach!"

Robin forced a laugh out and I snorted. "Uh, yes, yes, that's why we're actually here." Nancy told him. "I mean, we can only learn so much in a classroom."

"Mmm." The Director hummed. "And I'm sympathetic to your struggle, truly. But there is a protocol to visiting a patient like Victor. You have to put in a request, and then you have to undergo a screening process, at which point the board will make a decision."

I looked at Nancy, we never discussed a Plan B.

"I can see your disappointed." The man inhaled. "But I'm more than happy to give you a tour of our facility. Perhaps you can even speak to some patients in our low security wing."

"And we'd...we would love that." I said looking over to Robin and Nancy. "It's just that our thesis is due next month."

"And you're out of time." The man said and I nodded. "And whose fault is that?"

I raised a brow at the man. Did he just-

"Ours!" Nancy quickly said. "Absolutely, and I do apologize-"

"Don't apologize, Ruth." Robin snapped. "Screw that."

We all looked at her in surprise. "That fact is, we did put in a request months ago and were denied. And then we reapplied and were denied again." She said. "And coming here was our last ditch effort to save our thesis, and I really..." she looked over at Nancy. "I can't breathe in this thing!"

"Uh, well Rose, maybe you'd like to go outside for some air." Nancy suggested and Robin stood up.

"Maybe I should Ruth."


"Because I'm starting to think this whole thing is a colossal mistake! I'm breaking out in a rash, my boobs hurt!" She turned to the director. "And I'll tell you the truth, Anthony. May I call you Anthony?" She didn't wait for him to respond. "These aren't actually my clothes! I borrowed them because I wanted you to take us seriously. Because nobody takes girls seriously in this field! They just don't!"

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now