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Now in Color

"Hmm." The doctor said listening to the heart of Wanda's baby and Vision and Dakota leaned forward.

Was something wrong?

"Hmm." He said again. "Yep! Defiantly pregnant." The doctor shot up.

Dakota scoffed. "We already knew that."

Viz and Wanda sent her a look before turning back to the doctor. "It's just kind of taken us by surprise. It was just quite suddenly, wasn't it?" Viz asked the girls.

"Yeah." Dakota nodded. "It really was."

"Practically overnight!" He exclaimed and Dakota chocked on the water she was drinking as Wanda nudged Vision. "I mean, how did this happen?"

"You see, when a man and a woman love each other very much..." The doctor started and all their eyes widened.

"Well-" Wanda stood up, stopping him from going on. "We're just tickled pink, or blue."

"Well, you're right about four months, right?" The doctor asked Wanda and she nodded as Viz and Dakota shook their heads before nodding as Wanda gave them a look.

"I thought as much. We let the little ladies keep tabs on their growing babies with fruit. Makes it simple for them." He said, Wanda and Dakota both made a face. "At four months, the fetus is as big as a pear. At five months, papaya. Six, grapefruit. Seven, pineapple. Eight, honeydew!" He patted Wanda's bump and she chuckled nervously.

"Hypothetically speaking, what size of fruit would it be at, say, hmm, 12 hours?" Viz asked.

"Pardon me? 12 hours?" The doctor asked.

"Well, I think this line of questioning is fruitless!" Wanda said before the doctor could say anything else and Dakota and Viz looked at her weirdly

Was she not wondering the same thing?

"Hypothetically speaking-" Dakota followed as Wanda tried showing the doctor out. "-should we be concerned?"

The doctor smiled. "Hypothetically speaking, every new-father-to-be and new-aunt-to-be get nervous."

"Well, I have nerves of steel, so there goes your theory Mr. Doctor..." Vision said.

Dakota snorted at him. "Vision, why don't you see the doctor out?" Wanda suggested.

"Good idea." He smiled. "Yes!"

Dakota watched them before turning to Wanda who was rubbing her stomach with a smile before she turned around and there was a knock on the door.

"Did Vision lock himself out?" Wanda asked.

"I'll go open it for him." Dakota rolled her eyes and went to the door. She opened it and smiled when she saw who it was.

"Steve! Hey, I wasn't expecting you." She blushed as he handed her a bouquet of flowers and he smiled.

"I wanted to drop by and give you these. They're almost as pretty as you." He said and Dakota giggled.

Wanda looked out from the kitchen and narrowed her eyes at the boy who was flirting with her sister.

Something was going on...

"Steve!" She said walking up to the two. "Hi, how are you?"

Steve's eyes widened when he saw Wanda. "H-Hey." He stuttered. "Are you-"

"Yes." Wanda smiled rubbing her stomach happily before looking up at the confused boy.

"To what do we this visit to?" She asked.

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now