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Dakota's POV

"Holy shit." I got off my bike and tried regaining my breath. "My legs are going to fall off."

"I know." Robin panted. "That's got to be a Genius World Record. Most miles traveled interdimemsionally."

Beside me, Steve patted his chest and let out a cough. "Just inhaled a bunch of this crap." He said, swiping at the particles in the air. "It's stuck in my throat."

"Guys, c'mon!" Wanda called, already inside Eddie's trailer and we all quickly scrambled inside.

Upon entering, we were faced with the red glow of the gate and I looked up in astonishment.

"This is where Chrissy died." Eddie said. "Like, right where she died."

I tilted my head to the side as something from the other side starting poking through. "There's something in there..."

"What the hell is that...?" Wanda questioned and I took a step forward trying to get a better look.

Suddenly the object ripped through and Steve grabbed my hand, pulling me back as the gooey substance spilled all over the ground and everyone screamed.

I let out a nervous chuckle and cautiously looked up the hole that led to the other side, a grin forming on my face when I caught sight of the kids.

Dustin and Lucas smiled at me and waved. "Hi, guys!"


Dustin cackled happily and I giggled. "Bada-Bada- Boom!"


"We can use Eddie's mattress!" Lucas exclaimed and I nodded.

"Yeah, go get it to soften our fall!" I told him and he Max left to go do as told while Dustin worked on a way to somehow get us back to Hawkins.

"Okay, I think we're almost good to go." I told the group and they nodded.

Lucas and Max came back with the mattress and laid it down right under the gate.

"W-What...?" Wanda looked at the mattress and then at Eddie. "What is that?"

"Those stains are, uh... I don't know what those stains are." He said, clearing his throat and Robin side eyed him.


Dustin and Erica suddenly came to view and Dustin sighed. "Not quite sure how these physics are going to work, but, uh, here goes nothing."

He threw a rope of blankets up the whole and it  came down the other side. "There we go." He looked up at us. "And if my theory is correct..."
He let go of his side of the rope and it stood floating in the air. "Abracadabra!"

"The kid is a genius." Wanda smiled and I nodded in agreement.

"Alright, pull on it, see if it holds!" He yelled and Robin looked at us before grabbing ahold of the rope and pulling to see if it would come tumbling down.

It didn't.

"This is the craziest shit I've ever seen in my life." I heard Erica say. "And I've seen some crazy shit."

Robin took a deep breath and grabbed the rope again. "Guess I'm the guinea pig." She said before staring to climb the rope and falling to the other side.

"Oh my god." She laughed. "That was fun!"

Eddie went right after and then Wanda stepped up to try it out. The kids who still didn't know about Wanda being here in Hawkins were shocked when they saw her and I laughed at their surprised faces.

"Don't worry, she doesn't bite!"

Nancy followed after her and then it was just me and Steve left.

"See you on the other side." Steve smiled and I froze getting a sense of deja vu.

"See you in a minute."

Grabbing ahold of the rope, I let out a grunt as I started climbing before reaching the other side and letting go just like the others had done, but I never reached the mattress.

I let out a scream as I kept falling down a dark void before slamming into the ground and I cried out in pain.

"Wanda!" I got up and looked around my new location, letting out a gasp when I spotted a body not too far from me. My hand flew up to mouth and I let out a sob.


Vecna's voice filled my ears. "Do you remember what you did, Dakota? Or have you already forgotten?"

Flashes of the Ultron battle flew through my mind and I tried calming myself down as my heart rate started to pick up.

"When I kill someone..."


"I never forget."


Okay, so this story will be ending soon since we're nearing the end of Stranger Things, season 4, and I want to know what other stories you guys would like me to write.

I do Marvel and Stranger Things fan fiction

Or maybe I could right a book of Dakota's life with the Avengers, before she gets to the Stranger Things Universe, you know?

Let me know what you think!

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now