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Dakota's POV                                     [Edited]

"And...done!" I said putting the whiteboard marker down. "I got the message!"

Everyone immediately surrounded me and we read it together. "The week is long, the silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west." We finished and Steve looked at me.

"Are you sure you did it right?" He asked.

"Are you doubting my skills Harrington?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No! Of course not it's just...weird." He said and I sighed looking at the clock on the wall.

"It's late, how 'bout we leave this for tomorrow." I suggested and Dustin and Robin nodded tiredly.

We exited Scoops and Steve pulled the gate down, locking the place up. "I mean...it just can't be right!" He said again and I crossed my arms.

"It's right." I said and Robin nodded in agreement.

"Honestly, I think it's great news." Dustin shrugged as we walked away.

"How is this great news?" Steve asked. "I mean, so much for being American Hero's. It's total nonsense." He scoffed.

"It's not nonsense." Dustin argued. "It's too specific. It's obviously a code."

"That's what I was thinking." I grinned, high fiving Dustin. "You're smart."

"Thanks." He smiled.

"Wait- a code?" Steve asked cluelessly and we both nodded.

"It's like a super-secret spy code." I explained.

"That's a total stretch." He rolled his eyes.

"I don't know, is it?" Robin asked.

"You're buying into this?" Steve asked in surprise.

"Listen, just for kicks, let's entertain the possibility that it is a secret Russian transmission. What'd you think they were going to say? Fire the warhead at noon?"

"Exactly." I said. "And my translation is correct. I know that for sure."

Dustin and Robin looked at me weirdly, "what happened to your voice?"

My brows furrowed in confusion. "What's wrong with my voice."

"Your accent is shining through." Steve told me and I cleared my throat.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"Wait, you're not from here?" Robin asked and I shook my head.

"I'm from Sokovia." I told her.

"Never heard of it."

"It's a small city between Slovakia and the Czech Republic." I explained and she oh'd.

"That's cool. Why'd you move here though?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Don't know. I guess I just wanted a fresh start." I lied. "My parents died in a bombing from...Russia and my siblings were buried under rubble for days. When we found them they were gone."

"I'm sorry." Robin said.

"It's alright." I looked around. "Where's Steve?"

Dustin and Robin both stopped walking and we all turned around to see Steve by a little mechanic horse ride, searching through his pockets. "Hey, Steve. What are you doing?" I asked walking over and he turned to me.

"Do you have a quarter? I need a quarter." He said and I looked at him weirdly.


He turned to Dustin and Robin. "Do you guys have a quarter?"

Robin chuckled. "Sure you're tall enough for that ride?"

"Quarter!" Steve yelled and Robin handed him one. He inserted it inside and the ride began with the little children music, Steve was listening intently and we stared at him confused as to why he wanted the ride to start.

"You need help getting up, little Stevie?" Robin teased and I giggled.

"Shh!" Steve shushed us. "Would you two just shut up and listen?"

I sighed and looked at the horse with a bored expression. "Holy shit." Dustin blurt out. "The music." He said taking his bag off and searching through it as Robin and I watched curiously.

"The music!" He pulled out the tape that had the recorded Russian message and played it.

"I don't understand." Robin said.

"Me neither." I agreed.

"It's the exact same song on the recording!" Dustin exclaimed.

"Maybe they have horses like this in Russia." I suggested and Steve shook his head.

"Indiana Flyer? I don't think so." He looked up at us. "This code...it didn't come from Russia. It came from here."

I suddenly got chills and rubbed my arms nervously. "This is creepy. Can we just go home and deal with this tomorrow?" I asked and Steve looked at me.

"You okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Just tired." I responded and he got up grabbing my hand.

"We'll pick this up tomorrow morning. 10 am sound good?" He asked Dustin and Robin and they nodded.

"See you guys tomorrow." He waved as we exited the mall, seeing Dustin's moms car outside before making our way to Steve's.

We got in and the ride home was silent. Steve kept glancing at me worriedly as I stared out the window scared out of my mind. Something weird is happening and I have this feeling it's not going to turn out okay.

When we got home Steve said good night as we reached my room and went to walk away but I grabbed his arm.

He turned to look at me. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Can you...can you stay with me tonight?" I asked quietly and he raised a brow. "I'm scared." I blurt out. "It's crazy I know but...what if something happens. Something bad and-"

"Hey." Steve cut me off. "It's going to be okay." His hands went up to my face. "I promise. Everything's going to be alright and yeah, I'll stay with you tonight."

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Let me shower first and then I'll come to your bedroom, okay?" He said and I nodded walking into my room and closing the door behind me.

I quickly changed and got into bed, anxiously waiting for Steve and when he came, I let him get comfortable before snuggling up to him and he looked at me in surprise before smiling and kissing my forehead.

"Sweet dreams Koda."


Yes I know I said the next chapter would be tomorrow but for me it's already tomorrow. It's 12:39 in the morning, what about you guys?

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