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Dakota's POV

We all stared at Nancy in shock. "How is this possible?" I asked but no one answered.

Steve suddenly perked up and walked out of the room. "Wait, where is he going?" Eddie asked.

"I'm not sure..." Nancy followed after him and we all joined her, watching as Steve walked around downstairs.

"Dustin!" He called out. "Dustin! Can you hear me? Dustin! H-Hello? Hello!"

"Maybe he really does have rabies..." Robin whispered and I nodded.

"Steve what are you doing?" Wanda asked.

"He's here. Henderson, that little shit! He's here, he's like...he's in the walls or something." He looked around frantically. "Listen, just listen, alright?"

We all stood silently trying to listen for what Steve was talking about when Dustin's voice was heard and my eyes widened.




We all started screaming his name.

"Alright, either this kid can't hear us or he's being a total douchebag." I looked toward Steve and he nodded in agreement.

"Will found a way." Nancy spoke and we all turned to look at her.


"Will. He found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights!" She walked over to a lamp and tried turning it on and off.

"The switch, try the switch." I told her.

Nancy flicked the switch on and off. "It's not working!" She hissed.

"Guys..." Steve spoke. "You seeing this?"

We all turned to look at what he was pointing at and my eyes widened upon seeing the small light above the dining table glow.

I got closer and reached my hand out slowly letting out a soft laugh as I played with the glowing particles surrounding the light.


Soon everyone surrounded me and they all reached their hands toward the light.

"It...tickles." Steve said and I nodded.

"It kinda feels good."

Nancy gasped. "Does anyone know Morse code?"






We all turned to look at Wanda. "You know Morse code?" I asked.

"Steve taught me." She said and I oh'd quietly while Steve, who was beside me, made a face.

"No I didn't."

"Not you, dingus." Robin rolled her eyes. "They're talking about someone else."


Nancy ignored Steve and Robin. "Do you know SOS?" She asked Wanda.

"Yeah, of course." She said and we all took our hand away from the glowing light and watched as Wanda got to work. We held our breaths as Wanda coded Dustin and let out a relieved sigh when he got it.

"Remember how I said they wouldn't be stupid enough to enter the gate?" Dustin's voice rang throughout the room and I smiled widely.


"I overestimated them."


Dustin being the little genius he is, came up with a plan to use Nancy's little sisters toy to communicate with us in the Upside Down and we all stood around Nancy's bed waiting anxiously.

"Okay! You guy's seeing this?" Dustin yelled from the real world and a small part of Nancy's bed lit up. I grinned widely as Nancy messed around with it and Dustin's laugh of success filled the room.

"Alright, we're not moving it, we're just going to unplug it. Stand by!"

The light then disappeared and I bit my lip anxiously. "Okay, try it now!" Dustin ordered and Nancy hummed.

"Okay, um..." she took a deep breath and spelled out HI.

"That worked!" Dustin yelled and we all cheered.


Nancy laughed before turning back to the Lite-Brite and writing the word stuck.

"Yup..." Robin nodded. "We're stuck."

"You can't get back through watergate?" Dustin asked.

"What the hell is a watergate?" Steve asked.

"Cause it's in water and it's a gate." Robin explained.


"That's cute." Eddie mumbled and I chuckled.

"Tell them it's guarded." I told Nancy and she nodded, doing as told.

"Guar...guarded! The water gate is guarded?"

"Perfect! Yes, yes..."

"Okay, we think we have a theory that can help with that!" Dustin told us.

"Genius child..." Robin smiled and I nodded in agreement.

"We think the Watergate isn't the only gate. There's a gate at every murder site!"

Nancy looked around in confusion. "Does anybody understand what he's talking about?" She asked.

"No." Everyone shook their heads. "No idea."

She drew a question mark.

"Seriously!" Dustin yelled. "How many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys just trust me?"

"Jesus Christ. This kids gotta get his ego in check." Steve shook his head.

Eddie nodded. "It's his tone. Right?"

"I know." Steve said.

"Okay, lets get back on topic." I inhaled sharply and looked toward Eddie. "How far is your trailer?"

"Seven miles..."

"Oh!" We all looked at Robin who had a grin on her face. "I know Nancy's house is like, weirdly, creepily frozen in time and shit, but hasn't she always had bikes?"

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now