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Back with Wanda....                       [Edited]

"I'm going to fucking kill you!"

"Let's just all take a deep breath-"

"Where is she?" Wanda asked Director Ross her eyes glowing red. "Where is my sister?"


Dakota's POV

"Alright Wheeler-" Steve looked around. "I think we found your hub." He said and I nodded seeing all the tunnels connect to this small place.

"Drench it." Mike said.

I smirked at Max and she smiled back, excited to be doing something dangerous. "Let's get to work dipshits."

"Hey! That's my name for them." Steve whined and I rolled my eyes, grabbing a can of gas from Lucas and shoving it into Steve's chest.

"Get to work pretty boy." I ordered before grabbing my own tank of gas and spilling it all over the ground.

After a few minutes we had the whole place drenched and Steve looked around. "Who's got a match?"

"We didn't bring one." Mike told him.

"What? How are we supposed to set it on fire then, huh?" He asked.

The kids looked at me and Steve oh'd forgetting I had fire powers. "Just stay out of the way." I warned before snapping my fingers and a small blaze appeared between my index finger and thumb. A grin formed on my face and I flicked it away, onto the ground making the whole hub burst into raging flames.

"Let's go!" I yelled pushing the kids away from the fire and back the way we came from.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Steve mumbled under his breath as we ran. "I can't believe that just happened!"

"Steve which way are we going?" I asked and he looked down at the map in his hands.

"This way, let's go!" He ran and we all followed after him. He was in the front, leading the group and I was in the back making sure no kid got left behind.

Just as we were reaching the exit Mike tripped in front of me and I halted, almost falling on top of him. "Shit, you okay?" I asked grabbing his arm and he nodded as I began pulling him up but he wouldn't budge.

"What the-" I looked down to see vines starting to wrap around his leg.

"Help! Help me!" Mike began panicking and I got down on my knees pulling on the vines as Steve and the others came over to help.

"What going on?" Steve asked.

I grunted. "These stupid vines." I gritted out and Steve pushed me out of the way.

"Watch out!" He yelled grabbing his bat and bringing it down on the vines, twice, before they broke and the kids helped Mike up.

"You good?"

"You okay?"

Mike nodded. "Y-Yeah."

"Guys we need to go before-" I was cut off as there was a screeching noise behind me and I whirled around to see a Demogorgan. "How many of these are there?" I groaned getting ready to set it on fire but Dustin pushed my hand down.

"It's Dart." He said standing in between us and the Demogorgan.

"Dustin get back!" I yelled and he held his hand up to silence me.

"Trust me." He said moving forward and we all held our breath as the Demogorgan got closer. He was blocking our only way out.

"Hey-" Dustin took off his goggles and face covering. "It's me. It's Dustin, alright? You remember me?" He bent down and the Demogorgan got even closer. "Will you let us pass?"

The Demogorgan opened up his mouth and snarled at Dustin making me take a step closer but Steve held me back. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchey thing to do." Dustin apologized for his earlier actions.

The Demogorgan made a sound as if he was agreeing with what Dustin had just said. "You hungry?" Dustin asked, taking his bag off his shoulders.

"He's insane." Lucas muttered and I nodded in agreement as everyone shushed him.

"Shut up."

"I've got out favorite, see?" Dustin showed Dart a 3 Musketeers bar. "Nougat." He quickly started unwrapping it. "Look at that...yummy. Here, all right?" He set it down on the ground and Dart started eating it. "Eat up buddy-" he signaled us to go around Dart. "Come on, come on."

We made our way past Dart as Dustin distracted him and as we all made it to the other side safely I signaled Dustin to come. He sighed and stood up, stepping around Dart. "Goodbye buddy." He said sadly before running past me and I looked back to see Dart happily enjoying the bar of candy.

"Let's go Dakota!" Someone yelled and I quickly turned around and ran before almost falling to the ground as the whole place started shaking and there was a roar.

"What was that?" Max asked.

"They're coming." Steve said helping me up. "C'mon let's go! Run!"

"We're almost there! Let's go!" He yelled
once the rope we climbed down came into view before reaching the exit and he helped Max up the rope first. "Go, go, go!"

Lucas was next and I helped push him up before Mike started climbing. "Dustin your turn! C'mon!" I yelled as there was another roar and Dustin quickly snapped out of his daze and began his way up as the Demogorgans got closer.

By the time he was above ground with the other kids, the Demogorgans rounded the corner and my eyes widened in fear.

"Steve! Dakota!"

Steve grabbed me and pulled me to his chest as the Demogorgans jumped at us and I buried my head into his shirt, expecting to be attacked but instead the Demogorgans just shoved us out of their way as they ran. I lifted my head up and looked over Steve's shoulder in shock before looking at Steve who was also confused.

"Eleven." I heard someone say.

"Guys hurry up!" One of the kids then called and I realized I was still in Steve's arms. He quickly let go of me and I did the same, heat rushing up to my cheeks as I cleared my throat before climbing up the rope with Steve helping me from the bottom.

"Grab our hands!" Lucas yelled as they came within reach and I reached my arm out, struggling to pull myself out. They grabbed me and pulled until I was free before we turned back to help Steve.

He was already emerging from the hole in the ground and we grabbed his arms to help him before collapsing onto the ground altogether in exhaustion, the cars headlights in our faces as we got up.

"Can we go home now?" Lucas asked and Steve nodded, out of breath.

"Yeah...but I'm driving."


Dart's death in season 2 was heartbreaking for me :( Especially when they showed that small clip of him laying beside the 3 Musketeers bar 😭

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now