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(Dakota's POV)

"Do not startle him. Do not touch him. Do not pass him anything. Stand five feet away from the bars at all times." The security guard turned to look at us. "Is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Yes sir."


The security guard pulled out his baton as we approached Victor's cell and banged it on the bars."Victor..." he sang. "Today's your lucky day! You got visitors. Real pretty ones."

Victor sat facing away from us, not even bothering to acknowledge us and the security guard sighed. "He must be in one of his moods." He started walking away. "Have fun!"

We all stood there not knowing what to say but thankfully Nancy spoke up. "Victor?"

The man snarled and I heard Robin gulp from beside me. "My name is Nancy. Nancy Wheeler and this is..." she looked toward me.

"Dakota Maximoff and..." I looked at Robin.

"Robin Buckley." Her voice wavered. "We have some questions-"

The man grunted. "I don't talk to reporters! Hatch knows that!"

"We're not reporters." I said softly. "We're here because...we believe you. And because we need your help."

He didn't answer.

"Whatever killed your family...we think it's back." Nancy told him and we watched as he slowly turned around.

My eyes widened and I inhaled sharply not able to look away.

Oh my god


"When he attacks, our friend described it as a trance." Nancy told Victor. "Like a waking nightmare. That's why we think he's coming for her next."

The man didn't say anything. "Does any of this... anything we've told you sound like what happened to your family?" I asked desperately.

The mans breaths grew short and I sighed. "Victor. I know this hard-"

"You don't know anything!" He yelled.

"You're right." I looked at Nancy. "We don't know, but that's why we're here. To learn, to understand! We need to know how you survived that night!"

Victor laughed. "Survived? Is that what you call this!" He stood up angrily. "You really think I survived? No! I assure you, I am still very much in hell."

We watched as he paced around his cell. "I had been back from the war for some 14 years. Her great-uncle had died, leaving us a small fortune. Enough to buy a new home, a new life."

"It was a magnificent home. Alice said it looked like a fairy tale." He said.

"Alice. Was this your daughter?" I asked.

"Mmm. Yeah." He smiled softly. "But Henry, my...my boy, he was a sensitive child. And I could see he felt something was wrong."

"We had one month of peace in that house. And then it began." He took a few steps closer toward the cell bars. "Dead animals, mutilated, tortured, began to appear near our home. Rabbits, squirrels, chickens, even dogs. The police chief blamed the attacks on a wildcat. But this.." He chuckled. "This was no wildcat. This was an evil. And evil neither animal nor human. This was a Spawn of Satan."

"A demon! And it was even closer than I realized." He was now standing inches away from us. "My family began to have encounters conjured by this demon. Nightmares. Waking, living nightmares. This demon, it seemed to take pleasure in tormenting us. Even poor innocent Alice."

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now