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Dakota's POV

Dustin looked out the bathroom door and we joined him. "And...blend." He said walking out with us behind him as we melted into the crowd that was exiting the movie theater.

"Well, shit, that worked." Erica said in surprise.

"Of course it worked." Dustin said. "Now we just have to get on the bus with the rest of the these plebes, and home sweet home here we come."

"Uh Dustin?" Steve spoke up.

"What?" He asked.

"Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house." He said.


Steve didn't respond. "He told them your full name." I answered for him.

"What is wrong with you? Dustin asked him.

"Dude, I was drugged!" Steve defended himself.


"So?" He questioned Dustin.

"So, you resist, you tough it out. You tough it out like a man." Dustin told him.

"Oh yeah, it's easy for you to say." Steve hissed. "Even Dakota was spilling her guts down there!"

"That's not true." I told him.

"Guys-" Robin stopped us from walking and we all looked forward to see security guards asking for peoples ID's at the exit.

"Abort." Dustin said just as one of the guards turned to look at us and my eyes widened.

"Abort, abort!" Dustin yelled and we all turned around running back the way we came from.

We came across some escalators but since the mall was already closing they were shut off. "Shit!" Robin exclaimed.

"Just slide down the middle!" I told her and she went down first followed by Erica, me, Steve, and finally Dustin.

Once we reached the bottom, the guards still hadn't caught up to us so we hid behind the counter of a restaurant. "Keep all entrances locked down, I repeat...keep all entrances locked down." A Russian spoke into his radio

I peered from behind the counter and spotted four guards on the floor we were on before sitting back down. "Steve-" I turned to look at him. "I love you." I said kissing his cheek before teleporting behind one of the guards.

I turned him around and punched him in the jaw before roundhouse kicking him in the gut and he groaned.

The other guards quickly noticed me and started shooting  but I phased through all the bullets.

I grabbed the man I had punched and used him as a shield as I got closer to the next guard and set him on fire before grabbing his gun and shooting at two guards, killing them before the gun clicked because it had been emptied.

More guards were running to the lower floor, so I grabbed a chair next to me and flung it at some of the guards before teleporting to them and knocking their heads together.

A man grabbed me from behind and I let out a surprise yelp as he pulled my hair. I grunted as he got me in a chokehold just as I saw Eleven, Max, and the rest of the gang on the second floor, looking down at us and their eyes widened when they saw me.

I froze for a moment before bending my knees and flipping the guard and I to the ground. We were slammed down pretty hard making him let go of me, and I scrambled up, despite the pain in my right shoulder, and grabbed the gun he had dropped before slapping him in the face with it as he got up.

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