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Dakota's POV                                     [Edited]

I lifted my head from my hands and looked up to see I wasn't in the elevator anymore.

"Steve?" I called getting up from my spot on the ground. "Robin! Dustin!"

A small forest cabin suddenly came into view and I was surrounded by blossoming apple trees. I cautiously inched closer to the cabin
and walked up the front steps to the porch before knocking on the door.

It swung open on its own and I peered inside. Everything about it seemed normal but there was this lingering feeling that something wasn't right.

"Hello?" I stepped inside making the floorboard creek and a figure appeared in one of the doorways making me scream.

"Dakota?" The person asked and I backed away.

"W-Who are you?"

The person stepped out into the light and I gasped. "Wanda?"

The woman in front of me smiled and rushed to hug me. "Oh Dakota! You're alive!"

I hugged her back tightly and cried in her embrace. "Wanda! I've missed you so much!"

Wanda pulled away and touched my cheek gently before pulling away. "Tell me where you are Dakota."

"I-I don't know exactly where but I do know I'm in another universe that's still in the 80's."

"The 80's?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes and it's not as bad as I thought. I made some great friends and-" I cut myself off when Wanda started phasing and my brows furrowed in confusion. "Wanda?"

"Go on." She smiled her voice sounding like static and I took a step back, looking around to see everything was glitching.

"Dakota?" A faint voice echoed through my mind and I looked away from the two sisters in confusion. "Dakota wake up!"


Third Person POV

Wanda's eyes snapped open when Dakota disintegrated in front of her and she let out a frustrated scream.

She was so close, so close to finding out where her sister was but something had taken her away from her once again.


Dakota's POV


My eyes snapped open and I looked up to see Robin kneeling in front of me. "Oh god, I thought something happened to you." She laughed in relief.

I blinked in shock several times as Robin helped me up from the floor. Did I really see Wanda or was I dreaming? And what is the Scarlet Witch and what does it have to do with my sister?

I looked around to see everyone but Robin and I asleep. "What happened?" I asked and she looked over at the others.

"Oh them? Don't worry they're just sleeping."

"Oh..." I trailed off looking them over before my gaze landed on Steve. "H-How long have we been down here?"

"Well it's probably morning already." Robin shrugged. "Help me wake the others?"

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now