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Breaking the Fourth Wall

"Boys! Quit fighting it's just a control!" Dakota yelled trying to get in between Tommy and Billy's fight.

"But it's my turn!" Tommy grunted.

"It's always your turn!" Billy exclaimed before all three Maximoff's attention was drawn to Wanda coming down the stairs tiredly.

They all watched quietly as she barely spared them a glance before entering the kitchen and they shrugged to themselves before going back to their previous actions.

"I swear if you two don't stop this nonsense-" Dakota yelled before stopping herself as the control in the boys hands glitched and another one appeared.

She stared confused as the boys barely acknowledged it and sat back down in front of the TV to continue playing their video game.

"Have you seen Vision?" Wanda walked into the living room with a bowl of cereal in her hands and Dakota shook her head.

"Uh no. Should we go look for him? He hasn't come back from last night..." Dakota trailed off.

"Well, if he doesn't want to be here, there's nothing I can do about it." Wanda shrugged grabbing the remote and changing the channel to the weather.

"Hey mom, last night, Uncle P said that thing about re-killing Dad?" Billy said confused and Wanda whirled around to face her kids.

"Don't believe anything that man said. He is not your uncle." She said and Dakota's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Who is he?" Tommy asked.

Wanda stared at him before scoffing. "Here's the thing boys." She put her bowl down. "I'm your mom. And as such, you are counting on me to have all the answers, right?" She asked and the boys nodded.

"Well I don't." She laughed. "I have...no answers! Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Niente."

"Wanda-" Dakota started but she cut her off.

"I'm starting to believe that everything is...meaningless. I mean, your welcome to draw your own conclusions, of course, but that's just where I'm at." She chuckled dryly and the boys looked at Dakota worriedly.

"Okay, so maybe I went a little to dark there." Wanda told you. "But they're fine. Vision is made of vibranium. They literally inherited tough skin."

Wanda sat herself between Billy and Tommy, lifting her feet to rest on the coffee cable when there was a knock at the door and she snapped her fingers, opening it with her abilities. "Hi Agnes, come on in! I'd get up-" she laughed. "-but I just don't want to!"

Agnes smiled awkwardly and looked at you. "I think I got there in the nick of time, 'cause she was one split end away from cutting her own bangs."

"Hey boys-" Agnes looked at them. "And Dakota. Why don't we give Wanda some me time, hmm?"

Wanda gasped. "Agnes are you sure?"

"Oh, abso-positively!" Agnes said eagerly, grabbing onto Dakota, her fingernails digging into her shoulder blades. "Let's go guys!"

"Maybe I should just take the boys with me." Dakota tried getting away from her grasp. "Steve and I are going out later and I'm sure the boys would love to interact with the gang."

"Oh don't be silly!" Agnes smiled at Dakota.

"Yeah, just go with Agnes!" Wanda waved her off.

"I promise I don't bite!"

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now