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Dakota's POV                                     [Edited]




I groaned tiredly and got off Steve's couch, making my way over to the telephone. I'm really starting to miss I-Phones. I hate getting up to answer the landline.


"Dakota! Hi, it's Max."

"Oh, hey! How are you?"

"I'm great!" She answered. "Are you free right now?"

"Why?" I asked suspiciously. "Not that I don't want to hang out with you, but last time we did you made me try skating and I almost broke every bone in my body when you pushed me down that hill."

"Sorry about that." She apologized. "But don't worry, we're not skating today. El is here at my house and-"

"El's at your house?" I asked. "I thought she didn't like you?"

"We're past that." She quickly said. "I called- we called-" she corrected herself. "Because we have a problem."

"Are you in danger." I asked worriedly.

"What? No! El's just having some boy problems-"

"Say no more." I hung up before grabbing my bag from the counter and slipping some shoes on. I then snapped my fingers, appearing in Max's house, scaring the shit out of her and El who were looking at the phone in confusion.

"Hey!" I greeted and they jumped. "Sorry 'bout that." I laughed.

"You gotta stop doing that!" Max exclaimed. "I almost had a heart attack!"

"Yeah!" El agreed and I rolled my eyes.

"You're being dramatic Maxine." I sat myself down on her bed and she glared at me.

"Don't call me that."

"Whatever." I waved her off before turning to Eleven. "So...I heard you were having some boy problems?"

She nodded and I patted the space next to me. "Why don't you sit down and tell me all about it." I smiled and she looked at Max who nodded at her reassuringly before sitting next to me and explaining what had happened in the morning when she called Mike.

"-and the he said h-he missed me. And then he just hung up." She finished.

"What a piece of shit." I muttered and Max stood up.

"That's what I said!"

"What?" El asked softly and I turned to look at her. "He obviously has nothing to do today and his Nana isn't sick."

"I guarantee you, him and Lucas are playing Atari right now." Max added and Eleven shook her head.

"But friends don't lie."

"Yeah, well, boyfriends lie." I told her. "All the time."

Max nodded and sat next to us. "You're going to stop calling him. You're going to ignore his calls. As far as your concerned he doesn't exist." I nodded along with what Max had said.

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now