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Dakota's POV

Only Steve, Robin, Max, Erica, and I left the RV to get supplies, so this way, we had less of a chance of being spotted by anyone and Eddie would have some protection just in case.

As we entered War Zone, Robin let out a sigh. "So much for avoiding angry hicks." She muttered.

I looked around. "Let be fast, yeah?"

"Yeah." Everyone agreed and we split up.

Usually I'd find myself with Steve and Robin but after my conversation with Steve in the RV I decided to head off on my own and look around.

I wouldn't really be needing much, I was only going to be bait for Vecna, so I walked throughout the store curiously until I caught sight of Nancy at the gun counter with Jason Carver.

He stepped up toward her and grabbed the barrel of the shotgun making her jump. I cursed and looked around the store, letting out a groan when I saw Jason wasn't alone.

Max suddenly appeared at my side and I jumped. "Hey Dakota-"

"We need to go." I said grabbing her hand and pulling her with me. "Go find Steve and Robin and tell them to hurry up!"


"Jason is here, and so is his crew."

Max's eyes widened and she looked around. When she caught sight of the teen boys she immediately ran to go inform Steve and Robin about our situation while I slipped out of the store and headed toward the RV we had parked in the back.

Yanking the door open, I surprised the people inside and they panicked when they saw me but I ignored them and frantically looked around for the RV keys.

"What's going on?" Wanda asked.

"Lucas' little friends are here." I said still searching for the keys. "Where are the damn- oh here they are."

"Where's everyone else?" Dustin asked worriedly.

"They're coming, just clam down. I've got this under control." I said starting the RV just as the door flew open and everyone piled in.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

"Eddie get the fuck away from the windows you idiot!"


I sat in the RV mindlessly tapping my fingers against the dashboard as everyone else prepared themselves for the battle we were going to face soon.

There was a gnawing feeling in my chest and as much as I tried to ignore it, I couldn't.

"Hey..." Wanda sat in the passenger seat beside me and I sighed.


She stayed silent for a moment. "What's wrong?"

I sighed again and ran my hand over my face tiredly. "Nothing."


"Can you just leave me alone?" I asked harshly and a quick flash of hurt appeared on her face making me instantly apologize.

"I'm sorry, I just..." I shook my head. "I'm scared. I keep thinking back to the battle with Thanos, and how we lost the first time. We lost so many people that day, I lost you Wanda. You were gone for five years-"

"I know and I-"

"It wasn't your fault, so don't say sorry." I said. "It's just...those five years I felt alone. Nat took me in and together we tried running what was left of the Avengers but it wasn't the same.  Neither of us left because it was the only family we had and then Tasha..." my voice broke and I sniffed. "She died. And then it was Tony, and then Steve went back in time and you returned but it wasn't the same anymore. Not until I arrived here. And now it's all falling apart. There's a psychotic mutilated man with daddy issues that wants me dead, Steve is still madly in love with Nancy, my favorite child is at risk of losing her life, a-and I'm the reason Pietro is dead! I-I'm a walking curse or something because everyone I love either walks away, leaves me, or dies!"

At this point I was balling my eyes out and Wanda pulled me into her embrace, rubbing my back comfortingly.

"You are not some kind of curse красный. You didn't kill Pietro, that was Ultron. Natasha and Tony died to save the universe, both Steve's are fucking idiots, and I will not let anything happen to you or Max." She pulled away and made me face her. "I'm going to be with you every step of the way красный. That mutilated man with daddy issues will have to go through me before he lays another hand on you and because Max is so important to you, I will try my best to protect her too."

More tears came and Wanda pulled me back into her embrace and ran her hand through my hair.

"Rest up красный. You're going to need it."

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now