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Dakota's POV                                   [Edited]

"Help!" Someone yelled and I winced. "Help!"

Why did it sound so loud?

"Can you stop yelling please?" I asked and there were two gasps.

"Koda!" Steve exclaimed. "Oh thank god, are you all right?"

I nodded. "Just have a headache." I told him as I looked around to see our new situation. "Are you okay?"

"My ears are ringing, my eye feels like it's about to pop out of my skull, but, you know, apart from that I'm doing pretty good. Especially now that your awake." He told me.

I turned my head trying to look at him but gave up when I realized I wouldn't be able to. Not when I was tied up with him and Robin.

"Robin? Are you okay?" I asked realizing she was being a bit quieter than normal.

"Yeah...I'm fine. And don't you two worry about your injuries because the man said he was bringing you guys a doctor." She said and my eyes widened.


"What?" She and Steve asked.

"It's probably a torture doctor." I groaned.

"Torture?!" Steve exclaimed. "We still do that?"

"In Russia yes." I sighed. "I'm going to phase and get us out of here."


"Phase? What's that?"

"Steve it's our only chance at survival." I said ignoring Robin's question.

"That might be true but you don't know if they have cameras in here and if they find out about your abilities they're going to take you away and experiment on you." Steve told me. "I'm not going to let that happen."

"Steve-" I started.

"No." He said sternly. "We're going to figure out another way out of here."

"What are you guys talking about?" Robin asked us, clearly confused.

"Nothing." I sighed before letting my head fall back to look around and my gaze landed on a pair of scissors.

"Do you guys see that table over there to your right?" I asked them and they both turned to look the other way. "Your other right."


"Yeah, okay. And you see those scissors?"



"Great. I think if we all move at the same time, we could get over there and then maybe Robin could kick the table and knock them into Steve's lap."

"And I could cut the binds." Steve smirked.

"Yes! Then we could get out of here!" Robin exclaimed excitedly.

"Gotcha, okay, we can do that." Steve nodded and I laughed in relief.

"Those Russian morons left scissors in here."

"Yeah, morons."

"Total morons." We all laughed before Robin sighed. "Okay so, on the count of three we're gonna hop."

"Okay, good, hop on three."

"Gotcha." I said.

"Alright-" Robin started the countdown. "One, two, three!" We all hopped in our chairs and moved a bit.

"It worked!"

"Yeah..." Robin laughed a bit. "Let's try again. One, two, three." We moved even closer.

"Holy shit, this is going to work!" Steve said excitedly.

"Don't jinx it!" I scolded him.

"Right sorry. Let's do it again." Steve told us. "One, two, three!"

We all hopped but to our dismay one of the legs of the chairs slipped and we tumbled down, hitting our heads together and I groaned in pain. This just made my headache worse.

"Ow." I groaned and Robin started shaking.

"It's okay Robin. Don't cry." I told the girl and to my surprise she let out a laugh.

"Are you laughing?"

"Yeah." She giggled and Steve shook his head.

"Jesus, think she hit her head too hard?" He asked me and I laughed.

"Sorry." Robin giggled again. "I'm so sorry, it's just...I can't believe...I'm going to die in a secret Russian base with Steve the "Hair" Harrington and Dakota Maximoff. It's just too trippy man!"

"Steve the "hair" Harrington?" I asked with a laugh. "That's funny."

"No it's not." Steve groaned. "And we're not going to die. We're going to get out of here, okay? Just...you gotta let me think for a second."

"Steve just let me phase!" I whined.

"Dakota we've been through this, I'm not letting you endanger yourself just to save us." He said angrily.

"Why not? It'll be quick and easy. The Russians won't even see me coming."

"No. This isn't up for discussion." He shook his head.

"Why are you being so damn overprotective? It's going to be okay, I'm going to be fine I've done it before!" I argued.

"Because I'm not going to lose you! Not when I haven't gotten the chance to tell you that-" He was cut off when the door to the room opened and we all looked to see four guards and a doctor walk in.

The lead man chuckled and looked at all three of us, sprawled on the ground. "Where we're you guys going?" He asked before ordering his friend to pick us up as the doctor went to the table with scissors and opened his little briefcase.

I caught a small glimpse of what was inside before he took a blue vial full of blue liquid before slamming it shut.

"Try telling the truth this time, yes?" The Russian guard told us and I sighed. When is he going to understand that we are telling the truth? "It will make your visit with Dr. Zharkov less painful." He played with Steve's hair before nodding over to the doctor and he came around with some sort of needle gun.

"Wait a second. Wait. Hold on." Steve stuttered. "Okay! Wait, wait, wait, what is that thing?"

"It will help you talk." The man told him before going to insert it into his neck and Steve screamed.

"Did you even sanitize that thing?!"


Another chapter! Yay! What do you guys think of the story so far? I hope it's not confusing

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now