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3 Months Later                                 [Edited]

It had been 3 months, 11 days, and 6 hours since Dakota had gone missing. Not that Wanda was counting but...she was.

It kind of seemed like everyone else had given up on Dakota but not Wanda. She still felt her presence, unlike Pietro who was killed years ago in battle. When he died, she felt like half of her was gone. The other half, was Dakota, who was still alive and Wanda still felt it.

Everyone else assumed the worst and the search for her had slowed down, angering Wanda.

If no one else would step up to find Dakota, then she would. And she would go to great extents...


Dakota's POV

"Hey Dingus, your children are here!" Robin called annoyedly from the front and Steve groaned, getting up from his chair and opening the small window that separated the back counter and the front.

"Again? Seriously?" He asked and I laughed appearing behind Steve.

"Dakota!" The kids smiled and I waved.

"Hey guys! Excited for the movie?"

"Defiantly but we're a little late so..." Mike trailed off and I nudged Steve.

"C'mon Steve. They don't have all night!" I joked and he made a face grumbling as he let the kids through the back door of Scoops Ahoy so they could get into the movie theater for free.

"C'mon, c'mon..." Steve said impatiently as the kids went through. "I swear, if anybody hears about this-"

"We're dead!" The kids finished and I giggled at Steve's expression as he came back to where I was.

"They're just kids Steve." I said.

"They're a pain in my ass is what they are." He muttered and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah whatever." I grabbed my bag, heading back out to the front. "I'm going back to work! Bye Robin!"

"Bye Red!" She called and I sighed at her annoying nickname for me, heading for the escalators when the mall lost power and everyone gasped, murmuring in the darkness.

"The hell?" I heard a little girl say.

I looked around a bit worriedly before the power came back on and I shrugged. Just a small little mishap is all...

Back on Earth 616

"I don't care what you say! If this book is the answer to bringing Dakota back I will find it and you better stay out of my way." Wanda threatened Strange.

"I'm sorry Wanda..." Stephan looked up at her. "But I will not let you get your hands on the dark hold."


Dakota's POV

The Next Day

"Alrighty, one scoop of chocolate. That's a buck twenty-five." Steve told the girl in front of him and she took out her purse handing him some money. "Ooo, Purdue. Fancy." He said reading her shirt.

"Yeah! I'm excited." The girl said.

Steve smiled. "Yeah, you know, I considered it Purdue, but then I was like, you know what? I really think I need some real life experience, you know, before I hit college. See what it feels like..."

"You're staring again." Robin sang making me tear my gaze away from Steve.

"What?" I asked.

"Dakota, you're practically drooling." Robin smiled and I wiped my mouth.

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now