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Dakota's POV                                  [Edited]

As we drove back to the Byers house the kids were already fast asleep in the backseat and I was staring out the window deep in thought.

Have the others found out I'm gone? Do they know where I am? When am I going back?

"How are you going to get back home." Steve voiced my next thought and I sighed.

"I have no idea..."

"Do you know how long it'll take?" He asked.

"No." I shook my head. "This might sound crazy but...I don't think I'm in my time."

"What?" He asked.

"I think I time traveled." I whispered and there was a moment of silence.

"Are you serious?"

I nodded. "The kids told me we're in the 80s and I where I'm from, it's 2023."

"This is insane..." Steve said.

"More insane than what we just did?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Definitely not. I'm going to have nightmares for days."

"It's wasn't so bad." I said. "The last time I helped "save" the world I had come back from the dead to fight a grape who wanted to kill half the population."

Steve raised a brow. "Is that what happened in the future?"

I giggled and leaned back in my seat. "You know, you make a pretty good babysitter."

"I know." Steve smiled and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"So cocky." I said and he grinned before our conversation died down as the Byers house came into view.

Everyone was already here, standing outside worriedly wondering where we had gone. I gently woke the kids and helped them out of the back, watching as they reunited with their friends.

I watched them, getting flashbacks of the last time my family was together. Before the Avengers broke up, before the snap, before Thanos.

"Dakota?" Steve waved a hand in my face and I blinked.

"Sorry." I apologized. "What's up?"

"I was asking if you wanted to stay at my place while you're here in Hawkins. My parents are always gone and I have the room unless you find it weird and-"

"That sound great!" I cut him off. "Thank you."

He paused before nodding. "Good...I'm going to drop Dustin and Max off at their houses before heading over to mine."

I nodded. "Let's go then." I smiled and he smiled back.


Third POV

Wanda sat down, her tear stained cheeks visible to everyone as they watched security footage of Dakota in the garden before she approached a figure in front of her and disappeared.

She can't lose anyone else. Not right now...


Dakota's POV

Three Weeks Later

"Steve!" I yelled from downstairs. "Hurry up! We have to take Dustin to the Snowball dance!"

"I'm coming!" He yelled running down. "God you're so impatient."

"No, I'm punctual. So c'mon." I said exiting the house and getting into the car with Steve not too far behind.

"Sometimes I regret letting you stay with me until you're friends back home find a way to bring you back." Steve muttered, backing out of the driveway and I smacked him.

"Shut up. You're just saying that because your mad about me ruining your date with Jenna."

"It was Olivia!" Steve exclaimed.

"Same thing." I shrugged and he rolled his eyes.

"Besides, if that girl really thought I was your girlfriend then she's missing a few screws-" I pointed to my head. "-up here. And you still got what you wanted so why are you complaining?"

Steve mocked me and I rolled my eyes, ignoring him until we got to Dustin's house and he honked the horn. Seconds later, Dustin came rushing out and got into the backseat.

"You clean up nice." I smiled before poking his hair. "Don't tell me you actually used Steve's hairspray!"

"He looks good, leave him alone!" Steve told me.

"I never said he didn't it's just I prefer his normal hair." I sighed.

"Thanks." Dustin smiled. I smiled back and turned back in my seat as Steve and Dustin started talking about hell knows what before we pulled up to Dustin's school and he looked out the window nervously.

"So, remember, once you get in there-"

"Pretend like I don't care." Dustin turned back to Steve and he nodded.

"You don't care."

"I don't care."

"There you go. You're learning, my friend. You're learning." Steve smiled and Dustin nodded before checking his appearance in the review mirror.

"Hey!" I said.

"What?" He asked.

"You look great Dustin. You're going to be the most handsome boy there alright." I reassured and he nodded. "You look like a million bucks."

"He's going to slay'em dead." Steve smiled proudly.

"Like a lion." Dustin said before purring and I shook my head.

"Nope. Don't do that." I told him.

"Okay." He said and I smiled.

"Good luck Dustin." Steve said and Dustin shook his hand before exiting the car and we watched as he walked in, grabbing his ticket.

I glanced at Steve and saw him looking at someone. It for sure wasn't Dustin so I looked closer and noticed Nancy through the door smiling as she talked to some kids.

I looked away glancing at Steve again, seeing longing in his eyes before he sighed sadly and started driving away. I didn't say anything the whole ride to his house and when I got out I headed to my temporary room and locked myself in.

It was no secret I had begun taking a liking to Steve over the past few weeks. How could I not? But he was still hung over his ex and it's not like something would ever happen between me and him.

I laid in bed wishfully dreaming that maybe someday Steve would at me the way he looked at Nancy but I knew it wasn't possible.

I would be going home soon and leaving Hawkins behind. Leaving the kids...Steve. Once again, we'll end up being ages apart.


So now we're moving to season 3! And just in case anyone was wondering, Dakota is being played by Madaline Pestch :)

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now