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Dakota's POV

"Push!" Jonathan yelled and I grunted.

We were finally able to get the car off the wall and we all cheered. "All right, now all the way, ready?" Jonathan asked and I sighed getting the stool I was using.

"One, two, three, push!"

The car toppled over and I let out a whoop before getting off the counter I was on and trying to lift the hood. "Damn it."

"How do we get it open?" Nancy asked.

"Uh, there should be a latch under the wheel, right?" I looked at Jonathan.

"I thought you said you knew everything about cars."

"I never said I knew everything. I just said I know a few things." I snapped as Nancy checked inside.

He rolled his eyes at me and I narrowed my eyes at him. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

"My problem? I'm not the one with a problem you-"

"Oh my god!" Nancy groaned. "You're both pretty now shut up and get the cable so we can leave!"

We stared at her for a moment before lifting the hood. "This is all your fault." I muttered grabbing the ignition cable.

"My fault? How is it my fault?!"

"Because you're the one who's been treating me like shit today, and I don't even know why! Did I do something to offend you?"

Jonathan opened his mouth to speak. "Nancy!" Mike screamed and we all turned to see him looking up at the ceiling.

We followed his gaze and my eyes widened when I saw small cracks appearing on the glass ceiling. I grabbed Will who was the closest child next to me, and Lucas, before shoving them behind the car with Nancy and Jonathan just as the ceiling gave out and there was a huge crash.

I peered out from our hiding spot and watched in fear as the spider the kids had told us about looked around and let out a screech.

We're all going to die


Third Person POV

(This takes place at the end of episode one of WandaVision. The episode where they couldn't figure out why the date on the calendar was marked and turns out it was bc they were inviting Visions' boss to dinner)

Wanda closed the door behind her guests and leaned on it, letting out an exaggerated sigh.

"We are an unusual couple, you know." She told Viz as she walked over to the couch and he shook his head.

"Oh, I don't think that was ever in question." They both sat down as the audience laughed.

"Well, what I mean is we don't have an anniversary-"


"Or a song."

"You don't even have wedding rings." Dakota said walking out of the kitchen and sitting in the arm chair.

"Well today could be our anniversary." Viz said.

Dakota raised a brow. "Of what? Surviving your first dinner party because whoo! That was an amazing one." She said sarcastically.

"Precisely." Viz smiled. "And Wanda and I's song could be..."

"Yackety Yack, naturally."

"Naturally." He smiled and Dakota leaned forward.

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now