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Dakota's POV

Grabbing the end of my hammer, I turned it around and picked a nail off the wooden board blocking the front entrance of the Creel House.

"What exactly are we supposed to be looking for in this shithole?" Steve asked.

I sighed and pulled another nail out. "We're not sure. We just know this house is important to Vecna."

Steve grunted as he yanked on a stubborn nail. "Because Max saw it in Vecna's red soup mind world?" He asked.

"Basically, yeah."

"Great." He muttered sarcastically.

"Maybe it holds a clue to where Vecna is." Dustin spoke up. "Why he's back? Why he killed the Creels and how to stop him before he comes for Max."

"We don't think he's actually in there, do we?" Lucas asked worriedly and Max shrugged.

"Guess we'll find out."

I took the last nail off the board and looked toward Steve. "Ready?"

He nodded and we let go of the board, letting it fall back onto the ground with a thud.

Everyone jumped back and I coughed as dust got into my lungs. Has no one really been in this house since the Creel incident?

Steve tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge. "It's locked. Should I knock, see if anybody's home? He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"No need." Robin spoke up, holding a brick in her hands. "I found a key."

I looked at Steve and he shrugged so I stepped back and watched as she threw it and it smashed right the stained glass window of the door.

Steve reached in and unlocked it from the inside before withdrawing his arm and pushing the door open. "Ladies first." He told me and I sent him a playful glare before stepping inside.

A chill instantly went down my spine as I entered before I stepped aside to let the others in and looked around curiously.

"Looks like someone didn't play their electric bill." I heard Lucas mutter as he tried turning the hallway light on.

"That's why we have flashlights." Dustin told him and my brows furrowed in confusion.

"When did we get those?" Steve and I voiced at the same time and Dustin turned to look at us as with a "seriously?" look on his face.

"Do you two need to be told everything? You're not children." He said and I rolled my eyes, moving away from him and lighting up a small fire in my hands to give me light.

I curiously walked through the lower floor of the house before starting to go upstairs when Max's voice stopped me.

"Hey, guys? You see this too, right?" She asked, pointing her flashlight toward a grandfather clock and we nodded.

The ghosted look on her face told me something was wrong. "Was this what you saw in your visions?" Nancy asked.

She nodded. "I mean...it's just a clock, right?" Robin asked but Max didn't respond.

I teleported in front of them and walked up to the thing, running my hand over the carved wood. "It seems like a normal old clock." I muttered.

"Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks?" Steve asked himself. "Maybe, he's like a clock maker or something?"

Dustin rolled his eyes at him. "I think you cracked the case Steve." He said sarcastically.

"Okay, enough bickering." Nancy told them. "The answers have to be here." She looked around warily. "Somewhere..."

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now