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Dakota's POV.                                   [Edited]

(When the words are indented it means they're speaking in Russian)

"Who do you work for?" The Russian man asked me and I sighed.

"I already told you! I. Don't. Work." I hissed. " I used to but I got fired like...two days ago because of this bitchy blonde-"

The man sighed annoyed as I went on before asking the next question. "How do you know Russian?"

"An old friend." I replied already working on the rope that was tying my hands behind my back. "You won't find her here though. She's a redhead like me and very but very deadly. You don't want to piss her off, trust me."

"And what is this name of this friend?"

"Old friend." I corrected. "And like I said, you won't find her here."

The man grabbed my chin and pulled me to him. "What. Is. Her. Name?"

I ripped my face from his grasp. "Don't touch me asshole."

The man let out a frustrated sigh just as I untied the rope and lunged for him. I tackled him to the ground and raised my fist, hitting him in the face and repeating the action till some more guards came in and pulled me off him.

I elbowed one of them in the ribs before grabbing the others arm and twisting it behind his back and slamming him onto the wall.

I was grabbed once again but before I had the chance to attack they hit me in the back of the head and everything went dark.


Third Person POV

Two guards dragged an unconscious Dakota into a room and threw her in just as an unconscious Steve was also brought in and thrown next to the girl.

A moment later, a struggling Robin came in and she gasped seeing her two friends. They pushed her onto the ground and she immediately went to see if they were okay.

"Hey! Dakota! Steve!" She tried shaking them awake. "Guys? Guys wake up!"

The door opened and Robin turned to see the man in charge walk in. "What did you do to them?" She asked. "What did you do?!"

The man backhanded her and she went flying onto the ground, groaning in pain.

"Put them in the chairs." He ordered the other three guards and they grabbed the teenagers and sat them down.

"Don't touch me!" Robin yelled. "Dakota, Steve, you have to wake up!"

"Steve?" She tried him again as the guard wrapped them in some type of thing. "What did you do?!"

The main guard went up to Dakota and lifted up her chin. "Don't touch her!" Robin screamed.

"I think your friends need doctor." The man told Robin letting Dakota's head fall back down. "Good thing-" he leaned down to look her in the eye. "We have the very best." He laughed and the others did too.

Robin spat in the man's face and he immediately stopped laughing. He wiped his face and looked at Robin with narrowed eyes. "You're going to regret that, little bitch."He said before getting up to leave.

"Bastards." Robin yelled after him. "Let us out of here!"

Steve then started waking up and he looked around in confusion. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Steve!" Robin exclaimed. "Is Dakota awake?"

"Dakota?" He tried looking around but realized he was tied up. He looked to his right and noticed the red head with her head down, her hair covering her face.

"Dakota! Dakota answer me!" He started freaking out. "Why isn't she saying anything?" He asked.

"I think they hit her or something. She's not dead though." Robin answered.

"Those bastards!" Steve roared angrily. "When I get my hands on them-"


Sorry for not updating and that it's so short. I took a nap lol bc lately I've been feeling a bit tired and just woke up to realize I didn't post the chapter I had finished 😅

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