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"Oh, that's adorable." Agnes laughed as Wanda tried entering her mind. "My thoughts are not available to you, toots. They never, ever were. So don't go giving yourself a migraine. We've got work to do!"

"Where are my children? Where's my sister?" Wanda asked.

"Where are my children?" Agnes mocked. "Where's my sister?"

"Oof! That accent really comes and goes, doesn't it?"

"Where are they?" Wanda yelled trying to use her powers to hurt Agnes but nothing happened.

"Oh, your magic's no good here." She told her with a smirk before using her powers to tie Wanda up and bring her toward the center of the room.

Wanda gasped in pain as Agnes crossed her arms. "Didn't you notice? Basic protection spell, one in each wall?"

Wanda looked around ,obviously confused, but noticing the purple glowing signs embedded into the walls. "No? Nothing?" Agnes asked. "These are runes, Wanda. In a given space, only the witch that cast the runes can use her magic.  How do you not know the fundamentals?"

"Who are you?" Wanda asked.

"Who are you?" Agnes questioned. "All those costumes and hairstyles." She sighed. "Oh, I was so patient, waiting for you to reveal your true self. I got close with fake Pietro. Fietro, if you will, but no dice."

"That was you?"

"No, it wasn't literally me. Just my eyes and ears." She chuckled. "A crystalline possession. Necromancy was a non-starter since your real brother's body is on another continent. Not to mention, full of holes." Wanda's breathing got heavier showing Agnes she was getting angry. "But you're so crippled by your own self doubt that you believed it!" Agnes laughed.

"So you created Steve and the others too huh?" Wanda asked. "What do you want with my sister? Where is she? Where are the boys?"

Agnes' brows furrowed in confusion. "I didn't create Steve and those others kids. And you're sister isn't as useful as you are. Sure, the phoenix is a powerful being but I don't need her right now."

Wanda cocked her head, confused. Agnes didn't quite catch her expression though, too caught up in telling Wanda her story. "When I sensed this place, oh, the afterglow of so many spells cast all at once...oh I couldn't make heads or tails of it." She picked a bug off the wall and held it in her hands before chanting a spell in Latin.

"Mind control. A quick incantation and a feeble psyche and you're good to go." She sent the bug flying onto Wanda's face. "Thousands of people under your thumb, all interacting with each other according to complex storylines. Well, that's something special, baby." Agnes stepped forward snatching the bug off Wanda's face. "And of course, there's transmutation."

She chanted another spell and the bug turned into a bird. "Years of study to achieve even the smallest convincing illusion." She walked around Wanda. "But WestView through your lens, Wanda..." she snatched the bird right out of the air. "Every little detail in place down to the crown molding! You're even running illusions miles away at the edge of town! Magic on autopilot! What's your secret, sister?"

Wanda didn't respond, not knowing how to and Agnes flung the bird into her rabbits mouth. "Listen, I need you...Hey, Wanda, I need you to tell me how you did this."

"I didn't do anything." Wanda told her. "I'm not-" Agnes flung her into the wall roughly before bringing her back, a scowl on her face.

"I tried to be gentle..." Agnes said as Wanda grunted in pain. "To nudge you awake from this ridiculous fantasy, but you would rather fall apart then face your truth. You left me no choice." Agnes tilted her chin up. "What was it you said to your not brother? Hmm? All you could recall was the feeling, you felt empty. Alone. Endless nothingness. Let's start there."

A doorway appeared to their right. "It's been fun playing pretend for a while, hasn't it, Wanda?" She plucked a hair off her head and started chanting in Latin. The stray piece of hair flew to the doorway and the door changed into a plain white one. "But it's time to look at some real reruns."

She let Wanda free from her bounds and she dropped to the ground, gasping. "All right, let's go."

"No." Wanda told her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you forget who's got your sister and children stashed away in her bewitched basement? The boys were easy to take but I'm afraid Dakota put up a fight and was hurt pretty good..." she trailed off with a smirk.

"Mom! Mom! Help us, please!"

"Mom, help us!"


Wanda started getting up at the sound of her sister and children's frightened screams, a smile growing on Agatha's face. "That's right." The white door creaked open and Wanda started walking toward it.

"After you, superstar."

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now