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Third Person POV

"Why can't we just tell her that I was the one that accidentally sent her here and take her back home?" America asked Dr. Strange as they watch Dakota from the doors of the gym.

She had almost caught Stephen a bit ago but was now focused on the game. "Because that would mess up the timeline." Stephen answered. "Dakota isn't supposed to come back to our world."

"What? Why not?"

"There's a reason Dakota is here." Strange told her. "This is her new life. We can't interfere with it."

"Then what are we doing here?" She asked.

"You're the one that sent us here." He said and she sighed.

They watched Dakota for bit longer before he and America left Hawkins High. America was highly interested in everything around her while Strange was brainstorming ways on how to take down Wanda when America screamed and a star shaped portal opened up.

"America!" He yelled before they were both sucked into the portal and transferred to a different Universe.

They were thrown a few feet down onto a hard surface and America groaned. "Are you serious?" Strange exploded. "What happened? We weren't supposed to leave!"

"It wasn't my fault!" America defended herself. "I...I saw something. Something weird is going on in that Universe."

Stephen rolled his eyes and got up, looking around their new location. "Hey, cut it out!" He snapped at his cape as it poked him. The cape poked him again and he took him off, looking him over.

There was a hole burned through the back. "Yeah, you got pretty dinged up." He sighed. "We'll get you fixed." He put his cape back on and turned to America. "All right America, you gotta open a portal and get us back home, right now."

America stuttered. "I-I don't know how."

"You just did it." He sighed, mildly annoyed.

"Not on purpose!"

"Wong is back there, alone with Wanda and I'm the only hope he has! You took us to Dakota, and now here, so take us back home!"

"I can't control my powers-"

"You must be able to control it somehow." He raised his voice. "Even I could-" he cut himself off upon seeing America take a step back in fear. "Sorry."

America didn't say anything. "Well, what about this universe's version of you? Maybe she could control her powers."

"This universe doesn't have a me." America told him. "None of them do."

"How do you know that?"

"Cause I've looked." America looked down. "And cause I never dream."

"It's okay kid." Stephen reassured her. "Even if we could get back there, I have no way of fighting Wanda."

"What about the book of Vishanti?" She asked.

"What about it?"

"Other you thought it could stop whoever was after me." She answered.

"Yeah, well, good for other me. He's not here, is he?" He sarcastically asked. "Look, I don't know where it is, so unless there's another other me..." He and America looked at each other in realization.

"We need to go find-"

"Other other me."


Stephen and America walked out of a dead alley and onto the streets of New York City, both amazed by what they saw. This was nothing like the city back home, everything here seemed so lively. Plants were all over the place!

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now