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On a Very Special Episode

Dakota stomped downstairs annoyedly and glared at Wanda who was trying to get a fussy Tommy to sleep.

"I just had the worst night of my life." She exasperated and Wanda sighed.

"Here, hold Tommy while I get his milk ready." She handed the baby over to Dakota who held him gently and started rocking the crying boy.

"If you stop crying and go to sleep you'll be my favorite twin." She whispered in his ear.

"Now, now, Dakota, you know we love them both equally." Vision told her coming down the stairs with Billy in his arms.

"Yeah, but he doesn't have to know that." She said and Viz laughed. "How's Billy?"

"I tried reading to him but for some reason, Charles Darwin's The Descent Man made him cry even harder." He said and Dakota shook her head at him with a smile.

"Hey Koda? Do you think you could go upstairs and grab some blankets?" Wanda came in with a bottle and Dakota nodded, laying Tommy down in his crib before heading upstairs.

"And Viz could you go get their binkies?"

"Of course!" He said laying Billy down. "I'll be right back."

Wanda nodded and made sure he and Dakota where out of sight before smiling down at her kids. "Now I know parents aren't supposed to take shortcuts, but I think this situation calls for one don't you?" She asked them before nodding. "So, go to sleep my babies!"

She did a spell on them but blinked curiously when nothing happened and they continued crying. "And go to sleep." She tried again making the babies start giggling when it didn't work. "Well, I don't think it's very funny. Why won't you do what I want?"

"What was that dear?" Viz asked coming back into the living room and Wanda jumped turning to face him.

She laughed seeing the binkies in his ears. "That is not where those go!" She scolded playfully as Dakota came down.

"So noice cancellation is not their primary function?" Viz asked and Wanda shook her head wiping them on her shirt before giving them to the babies and they stopped crying.

"Finally!" Dakota whisper shouted dropping the blankets on the couch. "Peace at last!"

The babies spit out the binkies and started crying again. Dakota froze before shaking her head and going upstairs leaving the two parents to deal with their crying babies.

"Viz?" Wanda asked.


"What are we doing wrong?"

"Oh don't worry dear." He kissed her head. "We'll figure it out. Perhaps we need more time to get to know one another."

"Maybe. Or maybe we just need some help." Wanda stated and a second later the doorbell rang and Agnes invited herself in.

"Oh hiya kids!" She exclaimed.

"Oh Agnes!" Wanda smiled.

Galaxies Apart (Marvel X Stranger Things) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now