🐈‍⬛Prologue: Welcome to the Villains' world🐈‍⬛

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~Ame's P.O.V

A low groan escapes from my mouth and I slowly open my eyes to see nothing but darkness. "What happened?" I remember the mirror and falling through the dark void and the next thing that I heard was the carriage before I blacked out.

Am I dead?! Oh my god, I hope not!

"Oh great, I can't see a thing." I said. I move my hands around and they start to feel walls like they're closing in on me. "What the-?" I try to move my body around but it feels cramped inside. "Wait, am I in a coffin?!" I ask myself in shock also remembering the coffin the carriage was carrying. "This is crazy! I'm not dead!" I was gonna try to think of a way to get out when suddenly, I start to hear something rattling. "What's that noise?"

"Crap! People are coming! Gotta get a uniform while..." A voice said shocking me. "Grrr! The lid is too heavy. Time for...my secret move! Guwaahuuh!! There!"

"Gyaaaa! F-fire?!?!" I shield my face with my arms as a blast of blue fire blows the lid off the coffin. When the fire disperses, I looked at the room to see a fountain and a mirror in the middle along with floating coffins like the one I'm in. Then, I look down to see...is that a raccoon?

"Ok, ok. Gotta get...WHAAAAAAA!"

"AAAAHHHH!" I scream in shock hitting my back against the back of the coffin.

"WHAAAA! Why are you up?!" The raccoon asks taken aback in shock.

"A talking r-raccoon?!" I stutter as I get a closer look at what he looks like.

A grey cat with white fur on his chest wearing a black and white-striped ribbon around his neck, a three-prong pitchfork tail, pink paw pads, and there's blue flames inside of his ears that match his blue eyes.

At least he looks cute!😸

"Just who are you calling a raccoon!!!! I am The Great Grim!" Grim yells in frustration and introduces himself placing his paws on his hips. "Well, whatever. Hey, human! Hurry and gimme those clothes! Otherwise...I'll roast ya!" He smiles showing his pointy teeth and shoots his blue flames at me making me dodge it by jumping out of the coffin.

"Dreaming about getting roasted by a raccoon, that's a new one!" I say sarcastically in fear with a sweatdrop which caused Grim to growl.

"I said I'm not a freakin' raccoon!" Grim exclaims.

Without a second thought, I quickly run out of the room to avoid getting roasted but Grim follows me in pursuit.


I run down the hall while looking around the building that resembles a huge castle and passing by a room, which I'm guessing is a classroom, judging by the chalkboard and the books on the desk. 'What is this place?' Then, I ran into some kind of courtyard with a well, a bench, and a few apple trees. I slow down and stop to catch my breath while staring up at the night sky before glancing down at the outfit I'm wearing.

 I slow down and stop to catch my breath while staring up at the night sky before glancing down at the outfit I'm wearing

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