🌹A midnight snack gone wrong🌹

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~Ame's P.O.V

(Meanwhile in the lounge)

I couldn't believe Ace is here at our dorm. How did he get a collar around his neck? Something must've happened.

"That's the same collar that that red-haired upperclassman put on me during the entrance ceremony. Why do you have something like that on?" Grim asks in disbelief.

Ace sighs to himself before he answers. "I ate a tart."

"Huh? A tart?" I raise my eyebrow in confusion.

"Yup, just that!" Ace replies. "I was hungry when I got back to the dorm so I checked the fridge and there were tarts chilling inside. Three whole tarts! So..." Then, he begins to tell us how he got collared by Riddle.

It all started when he and Deuce got back to Heartslabyul...


Third Person P.O.V


(Heartslabyul dorm- Kitchen)

"Huuuhh, I'm exhausted on day one. And I missed out on dinner, so hungry." Ace groans and steps inside the kitchen to get something to eat since he and Deuce were at the Dwarf's Mine with Ame and Grim for so long. Nothing but a midnight snack won't fix. He walks up to the fridge and opens it. "In the fridge, we have...ah, tarts! These look good!" He smiles brightly to find a couple of tarts with fresh half-cut strawberries on each one. "...There's so much nobody's gonna notice one piece missing. Thanks for the meal." Ace takes a slice from one of the tarts and eats it. His eyes light up at the sweetness of the tart and the juiciness of the strawberries with each bite. "...Wow! This is amazing!"

Well, he might as well enjoy the tart while he still can because it won't last long.

"Of course it's delicious. Trey does not make tarts that are anything less than the best." A voice said from behind Ace.

"There's nothing better than this! Not even those sold in...eh, dorm leader!" Ace was distracted of enjoying his snack then he froze in fear to see Riddle standing behind him with a scowl on his face.

Oh man! Busted!

"You sure have some nerve putting your hands on things that belong to me." Riddle says. "Laws of the Queen of Hearts #89: One shall not eat a tart without the queen's permission. Tart theft is an unforgivable crime!" He states one of the queen's rules and points his scepter at Ace. "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"

"Gyaaa!!" Ace yells as a heart-shaped collar appears around his neck.

(Flashback end)


Ame's P.O.V

So after he told us he got collared by Riddle, he left Heartslabyul, took the mirror to the Hall of Mirrors, and came right here.

"The end." And that's how it all happened.

Grim and I both stare at Ace in silence after hearing his story. Who would've thought that he would get collared by Riddle for eating a pastry just because he missed dinner.

"You're both in the wrong." Grim spoke up.

"Isn't sealing my magic for stealing a bit of tart going too far?! For a wizard, it's like having your arms and legs chained up. And there were three whole tarts! There's no way he can eat them by himself! There's got to be a limit to how narrow-minded you can be!" Ace complains in protest.

I run a hand through the back of my head feeling unsure on how to react to Ace's opinion. "Mmmmm...sure...sealing your magic may have been too much, but..."

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